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One Up On Wall Street: How To Use What You Already Know To Make Money In The Market (1989)

door Peter Lynch

Reeksen: Peter Lynch (1)

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STOCKS ARE THE NUMBER ONE MONEY-MAKING INVESTMENT TODAY. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IN THE MARKET! Manager of the $9 billion Fidelity Magellan Fund, he has earned investors a 190, 000 return on a 10, 000 investment over the last twelve years. Now Peter Lynch shows how you can make a profit on Wall Street with the knowledge you already have. Discover: - Why smart money is not so smart -- and why you may be a better stock picker than the pros - How to follow your hunches -- and back them up with facts - Why you should forget everything you hear about the economy and how to pick your own time to buy and sell - How to determine which kinds of stocks are best for you From price-earnings ratios to cash assets, from low growth stocks to "The Twelve Silliest Things People Say About Stock Prices, " here is a powerful guide to investing.… (meer)
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1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Scratch the 'If you bought X in 1958, you would've made Y!' sentences and the 90s-focused political commentary and this is actually a great and timeless book about investing. ( )
  jd7h | Feb 18, 2024 |
Not really for me. This book mostly focuses on his years running a Mutual Fund. An interesting book but not a very educational one for the adverage investor. ( )
  Colleen5096 | Oct 29, 2020 |
Best book on investing. Have read 3 times & may read 100 more times. A must read for beginners in stock investing. ( )
  bysunil | Nov 19, 2012 |
For all of the financial capital under their control, it has always amazed me how anonymous most portfolio managers are. Money management companies (e.g., Fidelity, Putnam, Vanguard) are well-known, but the men and women who actually make the investment decisions typically are not, particularly to non-groupies who don’t stay glued to CNBC. Of course, Peter Lynch is an exception; his performance record while running Fidelity’s Magellan fund was so spectacular that the firm simply could not keep him hidden.

This is the first of two books—Beating the Street being the other—that crystallizes his “power of the little guy” investment philosophy. If Ben Graham is the quintessential value investor, Lynch embodies the GARP (Growth at a Reasonable Price) strategy. His straightforward approach is based on two imminently sensible ideas: (1) good, well-run companies with expanding franchises make the best investments over the long run, and (2) individual investors often have an advantage over institutional investors because, as everyday consumers of goods and services, they are in a better position to gather information on the quality of those firms.

Lynch develops these ideas in a practical and approachable manner, usually illustrating his points with examples from his own experience. Although some of these stories feel a little dated by now (e.g., Micron Technology, Service Corporation International), the wisdom inherent in his approach is timeless. He was truly a master at the art of building a stock portfolio from the bottom up and much of that accumulated wisdom is captured in this volume; in fact, the chapter on 'Some Famous Numbers' is worth price of the book alone. ( )
  browner56 | Dec 1, 2011 |
I found this an interesting book about how one man made decisions about what companies were worth investing in. It's not a practical guide but it shows you Lynch's perspective on the process, the rewards and the pitfalls, and how to view companies as an investor. It made the whole thing less mystifying. I didn't come away feeling I could necessarily make the best decisions, but I did come away feeling I could spot someone making poor decisions, especially poor decisions for me. ( )
  jppoetryreader | Jun 24, 2011 |
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To Carolyn, my wife and best friend for over twenty years, whose support and sacrifices have been critically important to me.
To my children, Mary, Annie, and Beth, whose love for each other and their parents has meant so very much.
To my colleagues at Fidelity Investments, whose extra efforts have made Magellan's performance possible but who have received none of the favorable publicity.
To one million shareholders in Magellan, who have entrusted their savings to me and who have sent thousands of letters and made thousands of calls over the years, comforting me during declines in the market and reminding me that the future will be fine.
To Holy God for all the incredible blessings I have been given in my life.
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There's no such thing as a hereditary knack for picking stocks.
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If you can't convince yourself "When I'm down 25 percent, I'm a buyer" and banish forever the fatal thought "When I'm down 25 percent, I'm a seller," then you'll never make a decent profit in stocks.
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STOCKS ARE THE NUMBER ONE MONEY-MAKING INVESTMENT TODAY. HERE'S HOW YOU CAN MAKE MONEY IN THE MARKET! Manager of the $9 billion Fidelity Magellan Fund, he has earned investors a 190, 000 return on a 10, 000 investment over the last twelve years. Now Peter Lynch shows how you can make a profit on Wall Street with the knowledge you already have. Discover: - Why smart money is not so smart -- and why you may be a better stock picker than the pros - How to follow your hunches -- and back them up with facts - Why you should forget everything you hear about the economy and how to pick your own time to buy and sell - How to determine which kinds of stocks are best for you From price-earnings ratios to cash assets, from low growth stocks to "The Twelve Silliest Things People Say About Stock Prices, " here is a powerful guide to investing.

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Gemiddelde: (3.78)
1 4
2 16
2.5 2
3 54
3.5 9
4 78
4.5 11
5 50

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