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The Church in an Age of Crisis: 25 New Realities Facing Christianity

door James Emery White

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441591,026 (3.25)Geen
Knowing the signs of the times, and how then to live as people of faith, has never been more pressing for the church. Though many of the signs are disturbing, we ignore them at our great peril. Combining the very best attributes of a biblical prophet and a modern-day reporter, James Emery White offers a look at twenty-five realities facing the church--in the areas of belief, culture, marriage and family, media and technology, and mission--and how they affect us as individuals and as a body of believers. Functioning as both a telescope and a microscope, this hard-hitting examination of the future of the church looks into the vastness of the world and into the minute recesses of our hearts. White calls on thoughtful readers to sharpen their spiritual drive and determination in order to meet the challenges of our day--and the future. He calls us to look beyond the daily conflicts in order to see the much larger war in which we are engaged, so that we might play our vital role in preserving and growing Christ's church in the coming age.… (meer)
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White's book divides crises facing 21st century Christianity into five broad categories--faith, mindset, marriage and family, media and technology, and mission. He has five challenges under each category. Many of the studies that he cites are from public opinion polls from organizations that are not necessarily known for their neutrality. The writing of the book is a bit choppy in places. Some of the author's assertions are not adequately documented. I see this as a book that pastors might use for sermon fodder more than as a book that will be enjoyed by the masses or by academics. There is a lot of redundancy within the chapters. The biggest weakness of the book is the author's decision to not offer solutions. It leaves the reader despairing of the current state of affairs. This could have easily been addressed in the afterword which seemed to be an inadequate conclusion to the book. ( )
  thornton37814 | Mar 5, 2013 |
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Knowing the signs of the times, and how then to live as people of faith, has never been more pressing for the church. Though many of the signs are disturbing, we ignore them at our great peril. Combining the very best attributes of a biblical prophet and a modern-day reporter, James Emery White offers a look at twenty-five realities facing the church--in the areas of belief, culture, marriage and family, media and technology, and mission--and how they affect us as individuals and as a body of believers. Functioning as both a telescope and a microscope, this hard-hitting examination of the future of the church looks into the vastness of the world and into the minute recesses of our hearts. White calls on thoughtful readers to sharpen their spiritual drive and determination in order to meet the challenges of our day--and the future. He calls us to look beyond the daily conflicts in order to see the much larger war in which we are engaged, so that we might play our vital role in preserving and growing Christ's church in the coming age.

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