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A Plain Disappearance

door Amanda Flower

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8413330,676 (4.53)3
Fiction. Literature. Suspense. HTML:

USA Today recently hailed award-nominated author Amanda Flower for A Plain Death, calling it "the first Amish rom-com . . . bring on the next one!" As the enthusiastic reviews continue to mount, she's back with her third Appleseed Creek mystery, A Plain Disappearance.
It's Christmastime in Amish Country, and Chloe Humphrey has begun settling into her life in Appleseed Creek excited to see where her new relationship with Timothy Troyer will lead. Unfortunately it leads to murder when the couple discovers the body of Amish teenager Katie Lambright while on their first date.
Near the scene there is evidence that Timothy's friend and auto mechanic Billy Thorpe is involved with the crime. The police reveal Billy is not really who he said he was and has been living the last decade in Knox County under a stolen alias. Now, Chloe and Timothy must find Billy, bring him to justice, or prove his innocence.

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1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This is a great page turner, I stayed up late on the night before my eye surgery to finish it. I will have to delay buying the last book in this series. That is bad because I wanted to find out if Chloe could get back to finding out if her dad felt differently about her. He was letting her step mother shut down even seeing him again. Also, there were romantic scenes between Chloe and Timothy. I am wondering if he decided to go back to the Amish way of life or married Chloe.

Chloe again discovers a dead body and there are a load of suspects. Chloe and Becky are forced to leave the little house they were living in and Tanish, Chloe's forever friend comes for a visit. Becky really got in to cooking baking and stirred up my appetite by trying out recipes from cooking shows.

It was a very satisfying mystery and helped distract me from my upcoming surgery. Now that my right eye is not so blurry, I can enjoy a little time off from appointments and read! ( )
  Carolee888 | Apr 20, 2022 |
I think this is my favorite of all Amanda Flower's series. The characters and plots are realistic and tightly woven. Notwithstanding that, if I lived in the area I'd be giving Chloe a wide birth because clearly death follows her everywhere she goes. Only one more left in the series. Flowers is not writing fast enough for me. ( )
  whymaggiemay | Jan 22, 2021 |
Christmas is fast approaching, and Chloe and Timothy are quickly becoming enamored with each other. Unfortunately, a fun outing leads to the discovery of a dead Amish girl. When Billy, Timothy’s friend and known to all the Amish boys as the person to go to for their first car, turns up missing, suspicion falls on him. Chloe and Timothy are determined to find Billy and hopefully, prove his innocence. But taking matters into their own hands was not the wisest thing they ever did. Well-developed characters in an intricate plot make for a compelling and entertaining read. ( )
  Maydacat | Sep 30, 2016 |
This is my favorite in the series thus far and would have been a five star read had the pacing been better and if the conclusion to the mystery not so rushed. I did love the well incorporated Christmas setting that never took over the story.
The Amish events are not always accurate within the story, and while that might take away from the story for some, I was never bothered by that. It's a cozy.... Lighten up. :) ( )
  StephLaymon | Jan 26, 2016 |
1-5 van 13 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Fiction. Literature. Suspense. HTML:

USA Today recently hailed award-nominated author Amanda Flower for A Plain Death, calling it "the first Amish rom-com . . . bring on the next one!" As the enthusiastic reviews continue to mount, she's back with her third Appleseed Creek mystery, A Plain Disappearance.
It's Christmastime in Amish Country, and Chloe Humphrey has begun settling into her life in Appleseed Creek excited to see where her new relationship with Timothy Troyer will lead. Unfortunately it leads to murder when the couple discovers the body of Amish teenager Katie Lambright while on their first date.
Near the scene there is evidence that Timothy's friend and auto mechanic Billy Thorpe is involved with the crime. The police reveal Billy is not really who he said he was and has been living the last decade in Knox County under a stolen alias. Now, Chloe and Timothy must find Billy, bring him to justice, or prove his innocence.


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Amanda Flower is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (4.53)
3.5 4
4 2
4.5 1
5 11


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