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The Stone Man: A Science Fiction Thriller, Book 1 (2012)

door Luke Smitherd

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Reeksen: The Stone Man (1)

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1515187,418 (3.57)2
THE #1 AMAZON BESTSELLER, SHORTLISTED FOR AUDIBLE UK'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2015 AWARD "THE STONE MAN is a novel that intrigues, enthralls, horrifies, thrills, and hits the reader with an emotional resonance as only the best stories can."-Ain't It Cool News Nobody knew where it came from. Nobody knew why it came. When an eight feet tall man made of stone appears in the middle of a busy city centre one July afternoon, two-bit (and antisocial) reporter Andy Pointer assumes it's just a publicity stunt.Indeed, so does everyone else ... until the Stone Man begins to walk, heading silently through the wall of the nearest building, flattening it and killing several people inside as a result. As efforts by the local police - and soon, the government - to halt the Stone Man's inexorable progress prove futile, only three questions are on the watching world's lips: Where has it come from, where is it going, and what does it want? Andy is determined to be the first person to answer those questions; after all, he was there when it arrived. Surely the headaches and visions he's experiencing are proof of a mental connection to The Stone Man? Clearly his dreams of champagne and notoriety are all about to be fulfilled once he uncovers the truth ... and the scoop of a lifetime. In a pursuit that carries him the length of the country and the breadth of the Atlantic, Andy uncovers the jagged pieces of an increasingly terrifying puzzle. As the number of lives lost in the wake of the Stone Man reaches grim figures, the terrible results of Andy's blind determination force him to confront the savagery of human nature.When irresistible forces aren't met by immovable objects, how far is too far? Andy must discover the answer - and find out who he really is - in the shadow of the Stone Man. ---------------------------------------- PRAISE FOR 'THE STONE MAN': "Tagged as both science fiction and a thriller, this is a book that has it all: strong characterization, moral quandaries, mystery, and a whole lot of tense moments all presented through the narration of a fallible, all too human protagonist that you can't help but root for. Reading the final sentence of the The Stone Man was truly a bittersweet moment. " -, Hugo award-winning website "If you've read anything else by Luke, you will be wanting to read this. If you've not, then this is as good a place as any to start." - simon211175, Amazon Vine Voice "Tremendous. I was looking for something completely original and different, this nailed it. Highly recommended." - Neil Novita "It was one of those books where you tell yourself you will read just one more page, then look at the clock and realise that it's 2 hours later. I would thoroughly recommend it" - Elaine Hosegood " my 5-star review? That's five stars in comparison to REAL books; not just the stuff you'll find self-published on Kindle. The Stone Man is the sort of book that, if I'd splashed ten quid on in an airport or train station, bookstore, I'd have considered it money well-spent." Militant Ginger, Amazon USA Review "Fantastically written characters who make you care about them right from the off, anunfathomable villain who defies all understanding and a supporting cast that flesh out the story beautifully."-Andy Pettifer, Goodreads Review… (meer)
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Toon 5 van 5
I don't really know why I even finished this book. It doesn't seem well written in the first place, but the clumsy Finnish translation really doesn't do any favours. The first person narrator is unlikable, which I can appreciate when it works, but in this kind of story the main character should be interesting at least. For some reason, I still ended reading the novel through. And I think this is one of the rare occasions, when the book actually does get better by the end; not because of the writing, but because of a twist in the storytelling. So, I think I'll give the next book a chance - but that one has to work from the start! ( )
  julienne_preacher | Feb 28, 2023 |
Great idea. Terrible writing. Became a chore to finish ( )
  aiddy | Nov 26, 2022 |
Great story, well written. Kept me engaged and entertained all the way through.At first, I hated that we never resolve more about the stone men, but the story is less about them than it is about Andy, and ultimately, Paul. The ending leaves it all open, so you finish in as much suspense as you were throughout the book. Luke Smitherd is now on my favorites authors list, both this and The Physics of the Dead are original, well told stories, and I'll be back for more by him! Definitely recommending this one. ( )
  reneeg | Dec 25, 2021 |
Awesome story. Leaves you wanting more. ( )
  richvalle | Jul 11, 2021 |
Although this is billed as a sci-fi thriller, there’s not so much of the science fiction about it. The action is firmly grounded in the here-and-now, on earth. The protagonists are entirely humdrum human. They’re facing an implacable alien with an unknown – probably hostile – agenda, but this is speculative fiction, not star-spanning science fantasy.

Similarly, The Stone Man isn’t really a thriller. It sustains an intriguing premise with a strong sense of purpose, and hooks the reader with a slow dance of seven veils, gradually revealing more of the Stone Man’s unpleasant purpose.

But it’s far from non-stop thrills, spills and plot twists. In fact, it’s a verbose, lengthy novel which is one of those slow-burn stories that takes its time to build tension and deliver the goods. After investing an unusual amount of hours (for me) in its extensive passages of description, the payoff was reasonably rewarding – a satisfying conclusion to a substantial story.

There are several aspects to The Stone Man which are particularly rewarding: the creature itself and the very credible explanation for its strange behaviour. The female senior soldier – it’s unusual to see a woman character being given a role of gravitas and not merely used as the next victim in line.

Then there are a few aspects which I liked less; the way the whole international aspect of the crisis was ignored. And the blow-by-blow, step-by-step minutiae slowed the pace too much for my liking. An editor could’ve trimmed the text by 30% and it probably would’ve made the book twice as enjoyable to read.

I should also say that there’s a substantial amount of back-matter or bonus material in here, so if your ereader displays the remaining pages then be aware that the final 20% at least is afterword, sample chapters and – I liked this bit – an alternative ending.

Grouses aside, the author is to be applauded for realising an original idea in fine style. This was an interesting read: it’ll be interesting to see what Luke Smitherd can do as he hones his talents in future books. My suggestion? Less would be more.
( )
  RowenaHoseason | Jun 22, 2016 |
Toon 5 van 5
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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Luke Smitherdprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Addis, MattVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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THE #1 AMAZON BESTSELLER, SHORTLISTED FOR AUDIBLE UK'S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2015 AWARD "THE STONE MAN is a novel that intrigues, enthralls, horrifies, thrills, and hits the reader with an emotional resonance as only the best stories can."-Ain't It Cool News Nobody knew where it came from. Nobody knew why it came. When an eight feet tall man made of stone appears in the middle of a busy city centre one July afternoon, two-bit (and antisocial) reporter Andy Pointer assumes it's just a publicity stunt.Indeed, so does everyone else ... until the Stone Man begins to walk, heading silently through the wall of the nearest building, flattening it and killing several people inside as a result. As efforts by the local police - and soon, the government - to halt the Stone Man's inexorable progress prove futile, only three questions are on the watching world's lips: Where has it come from, where is it going, and what does it want? Andy is determined to be the first person to answer those questions; after all, he was there when it arrived. Surely the headaches and visions he's experiencing are proof of a mental connection to The Stone Man? Clearly his dreams of champagne and notoriety are all about to be fulfilled once he uncovers the truth ... and the scoop of a lifetime. In a pursuit that carries him the length of the country and the breadth of the Atlantic, Andy uncovers the jagged pieces of an increasingly terrifying puzzle. As the number of lives lost in the wake of the Stone Man reaches grim figures, the terrible results of Andy's blind determination force him to confront the savagery of human nature.When irresistible forces aren't met by immovable objects, how far is too far? Andy must discover the answer - and find out who he really is - in the shadow of the Stone Man. ---------------------------------------- PRAISE FOR 'THE STONE MAN': "Tagged as both science fiction and a thriller, this is a book that has it all: strong characterization, moral quandaries, mystery, and a whole lot of tense moments all presented through the narration of a fallible, all too human protagonist that you can't help but root for. Reading the final sentence of the The Stone Man was truly a bittersweet moment. " -, Hugo award-winning website "If you've read anything else by Luke, you will be wanting to read this. If you've not, then this is as good a place as any to start." - simon211175, Amazon Vine Voice "Tremendous. I was looking for something completely original and different, this nailed it. Highly recommended." - Neil Novita "It was one of those books where you tell yourself you will read just one more page, then look at the clock and realise that it's 2 hours later. I would thoroughly recommend it" - Elaine Hosegood " my 5-star review? That's five stars in comparison to REAL books; not just the stuff you'll find self-published on Kindle. The Stone Man is the sort of book that, if I'd splashed ten quid on in an airport or train station, bookstore, I'd have considered it money well-spent." Militant Ginger, Amazon USA Review "Fantastically written characters who make you care about them right from the off, anunfathomable villain who defies all understanding and a supporting cast that flesh out the story beautifully."-Andy Pettifer, Goodreads Review

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