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The Delaneys, My Parents and Me

door Anne Brooke

Reeksen: The Delaneys (6)

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Liam brings Mark and Johnny to have dinner with his parents and all hell breaks loose. A great ending to a fun series. ( )
  Connorz | Jan 4, 2023 |
“Meeting the parents” can be stressful for anyone in a relationship, but for Liam, now firmly liaised with both Delaney twins, it is a particular nightmare about to happen. Not that he even considers denying Mark and Johnny the “honor”, but he secretly dreads what might happen. And as the culmination of this fun series, it certainly proves to be a memorable event – in more than one way.

Liam is nervous about Sunday dinner with his parents and his new lovers. And he has good reason to be: his mother is stern, stubborn, and has already caught the three men in flagrante once. His father is an eccentric artist, reclusive, and not used to giving in. Pair that with the Delaney brothers and their expectation that everyone will fall in line with what they decide, and disaster is almost unavoidable. But that isn’t Liam’s only problem.

As has emerged over the last two books or so, Liam has given up painting years ago because he realized he can never be like his somewhat famous father. But even though the Delaneys – and even his boss at the gallery where he works - keep telling him he should develop his own style, Liam doesn’t understand what that means or how to do it. Until the particularly motivating session in his father’s studio, that is. Mark instigates it, and it was certainly one of the hottest scenes I have ever read.

If you want to see Liam and the Delaneys take the final step into an actual relationship, if a scorching and sexy menage painting effort makes you curious, and if you’re looking for a read that is funny, entertaining, and leaves the three lovers in a great space at the end of this series, then you will probably like this short story.

NOTE: This book was provided by Amber Allure for the purpose of a review. ( )
  SerenaYates | Oct 19, 2017 |
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