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Made to Crave Satisfying Your Deepest Desire with God Not Food (2011) (DVD)

door Un Known

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412628,028 (4.33)Geen
In this six-session small group Bible study (guide sold separately), New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps women understand how cravings for lasting spiritual satisfaction are often mistaken for cravings for food. According to Lysa, craving isn't a bad thing. But the challenge is to realize God created us to crave so we'd ultimately desire more of Him in our lives, not more food. Many of us have misplaced that craving, and overindulge in physical pleasures instead of lasting spiritual satisfaction. If you or someone you know is struggling with unhealthy eating habits, Made to Crave will help: Break the "I'll start again Monday cycle" and start feeling good about yourself today  Stop beating yourself up over the numbers on the scale and make peace with the body you've been given  Discover how weight loss struggles aren't a curse but, rather, a blessing in the making  Replace justifications that lead to diet failure with empowering go-to scripts that lead to victory Eat healthy without feeling deprived  Reach a healthy weight goal while growing closer to God through the process Sessions include: From Deprivation to Empowerment From Desperation to Determination From Guilt to Peace  From Triggers to Truth  From Permissible to Beneficial  From Consumed to Courageous Bonus session: Moving the Mountain Designed for use with the Made to Crave Participant's Guide (sold separately).… (meer)
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Great book! Must read for those (especially women) who have any struggles with eating. It has great take-away advice. ( )
  Krild13 | Jun 10, 2016 |
I loved this book. It spoke right to the heart of what God has been showing me. Cravings are not bad. However when those cravings take the place of my desire for God I need to step back and examine my short comings. For me, food is a struggle but one that no one ever wants to talk about. I often use food to full my emotional voids. I needed to fill those voids with God instead. Thank you Lysa. ( )
  adaynasmile | Oct 21, 2013 |
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In this six-session small group Bible study (guide sold separately), New York Times bestselling author Lysa TerKeurst helps women understand how cravings for lasting spiritual satisfaction are often mistaken for cravings for food. According to Lysa, craving isn't a bad thing. But the challenge is to realize God created us to crave so we'd ultimately desire more of Him in our lives, not more food. Many of us have misplaced that craving, and overindulge in physical pleasures instead of lasting spiritual satisfaction. If you or someone you know is struggling with unhealthy eating habits, Made to Crave will help: Break the "I'll start again Monday cycle" and start feeling good about yourself today  Stop beating yourself up over the numbers on the scale and make peace with the body you've been given  Discover how weight loss struggles aren't a curse but, rather, a blessing in the making  Replace justifications that lead to diet failure with empowering go-to scripts that lead to victory Eat healthy without feeling deprived  Reach a healthy weight goal while growing closer to God through the process Sessions include: From Deprivation to Empowerment From Desperation to Determination From Guilt to Peace  From Triggers to Truth  From Permissible to Beneficial  From Consumed to Courageous Bonus session: Moving the Mountain Designed for use with the Made to Crave Participant's Guide (sold separately).

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