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Dinosaurs, Things You Never Knew About (Meadowside PIC Books)

door Giles Paley-Phillips

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491538,056 (4.5)Geen
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

On every street in every town, maybe next door to you, dinosaurs are doing things you won't believe are true! Like roller skating, starring in the movies, and sailing the seven seas! But what do dinosaurs love to do MOST? A delicious dinosaur romp, full of surprises!

Parragon is the largest illustrated non-fiction publisher in the world and a global leader in innovative digital books for children in many languages. Welcome to the world of Parragon!

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I enjoyed this book, and I think that children would enjoy this book a lot more than I did. What I liked was the “things to know” that dinosaurs did were relatable to children. The dinosaurs played sports, enjoyed dancing, and hated math and hygiene among other things. Another thing that I liked about this book was the writing style. Every set of “things” was broken up into three to four activates, and the last two lines of each set rhymed. For example, “There are some things they DON’T like much, Things they really HATE! Dinosaurs don’t like doing math…or always having to wait.” The rhyming helped the book flow very nicely and easy to read fluently. Like most children’s books, the illustrations were magnificent and colorful. I enjoyed that there were many different dinosaurs ranging on in every color on the rainbow, and some not. The thought bubbles given to the dinosaurs brought some more interest to the pictures as well. My favorite thing about the illustrations was that the text was organized in a way that it matched what was pictured. For example, there was a line is the book “They like to bounce on trampolines,” in I which the words were arranged on the page to look like they were bouncing. I thought this was very clever. The overall idea of this book is to entertain children and have them enjoy literature. ( )
  cduke3 | Oct 16, 2014 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:

On every street in every town, maybe next door to you, dinosaurs are doing things you won't believe are true! Like roller skating, starring in the movies, and sailing the seven seas! But what do dinosaurs love to do MOST? A delicious dinosaur romp, full of surprises!

Parragon is the largest illustrated non-fiction publisher in the world and a global leader in innovative digital books for children in many languages. Welcome to the world of Parragon!


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