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The Heart of a Father: How Dads Can Shape the Destiny of America (1996)

door Ken R. Canfield

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901310,223 (1.5)Geen
Every father has a hidden longing to see his children surpass him. To help him achieve this, Ken Canfield offers a three-part plan. First, a dad should examine his own heart. Next, he should take steps to improve the way he connects with his children.nbsp;Lastly, he should take a longer range view and plan specifically for a lifetime of involved fathering. Canfield's plan addresses a father's past--a father should resolve his relationship with his own father in order to effectively build a relationship with his children. Canfield also explains how to build the four "walls" or dimensions, of fathering: involvement, awareness, consistency, and nurturing. He then supplies a plan for the future. From being a new father to being a grandfather, dads face challenges at each stage of their life. With the long-range perspective this book provides, fathers can anticipate and prepare for the changing situations they'll face. Based on years of careful research involving thousands of fathers, this book is a solid reference tool for dads.… (meer)
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  WBCLIB | Feb 19, 2023 |
"The nation's foremost fathering expert has written the definitive book on being a dad for the next decade. The Heart of a Father is like putting a turbo charger on your fathering engine - your mileage and enjoyment are guaranteed to improve."
toegevoegd door ArrowStead | bewerkBack cover, Gary Smalley
"A timely, stimulating look at what fathers are all about, can be, and should be."
toegevoegd door ArrowStead | bewerkBack cover, Frank Gifford
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To the fathers of the staff members at the National Center for Fathering: Larry L. Bliss, Melvin E. Canfield, Mike Eskew, Earl L. Franklin, Joseph Franklin, Leland A. Griffin, Dick Nichols, Virgil W. Nulton, Peter R. Spokes, Judson J. Swihart, Calvin C. Warnick, Virgil Warren and to the memory of Merle E. Canfield.
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[Preface] Pascal, the famous mathematician and inventor, once wrote, "The heart has its reasons which reason does not know."
[Introduction: The Heart of a Father] Whenever I look into my daughter Sarah's face, I think about the power of fatherhood.
[Introduction: Examining Your Heart] Hank Gathers, a high school basketball star, was making it big time at Loyola University in southern California.
When he noticed the pain in his chest, recording artist David Meece went promptly to his doctor's office.
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Every father has a hidden longing to see his children surpass him. To help him achieve this, Ken Canfield offers a three-part plan. First, a dad should examine his own heart. Next, he should take steps to improve the way he connects with his children.nbsp;Lastly, he should take a longer range view and plan specifically for a lifetime of involved fathering. Canfield's plan addresses a father's past--a father should resolve his relationship with his own father in order to effectively build a relationship with his children. Canfield also explains how to build the four "walls" or dimensions, of fathering: involvement, awareness, consistency, and nurturing. He then supplies a plan for the future. From being a new father to being a grandfather, dads face challenges at each stage of their life. With the long-range perspective this book provides, fathers can anticipate and prepare for the changing situations they'll face. Based on years of careful research involving thousands of fathers, this book is a solid reference tool for dads.

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