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Politics of Religious Freedom: Contested Genealogies

door Saba Mahmood

Reeksen: South Atlantic Quarterly (113.1)

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"The right to religious liberty is a powerful and enduring feature of contemporary secular liberal legal and political thought. Dominant narratives portray this right as a universally shared and fundamentally neutral principle whose proper implementation depends on societies rising above their particular historical, political, and religious contexts. The essays in this special issue challenge this narrative by interrogating both the contingent historical and political contexts in which the right to religious freedom first emerged and its continued exercise in Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and South Asia. Several essays call into question the purported secularity and neutrality of the right to religious liberty by offering a critical reading of its deployment in early modern Europe, in liberal political thought, in the Cold War context, and in the current American evangelical mobilization on its behalf. Other essays examine controversial legal judgments about religious liberty to make visible the shared and distinct legal histories of India, Egypt, and the European Court of Human Rights."--Publisher description.… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd doorVictoriaGaile, Kenawas, paradoxosalpha
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Although South Atlantic Quarterly is published out of North Carolina, this number on "Politics of Religious Freedom" brings a global, and somewhat European-centered perspective to an issue that many Americans think of as having exceptional relevance to our traditions of government. Accordingly, there is no discussion of "separation of church and state," and instead, there are repeated explorations of the distinction between the forum internum and the forum externum and 20th-century formulations of "human rights." Besides the European genealogy of religious freedom, the writings here treat the interesting contemporary cases of Hindu majoritarianism in India and the official treatment of Bahaism in Egypt. The sole US-centered article is concerned with "US Evangelicals and the Politics of Slave Redemption in Sudan," which is hardly a customary topic in this field.

As a general rule, the authors see "religious freedom" as a concept that is somewhat incoherent by design, so that its application is highly dependent on context and circumstance. The result is that it becomes an instrument of casuistry, and it permits the state to constrain and control religion according to socially conservative impulses.

The "Against the Day" supplement to this number of SAQ treats the anti-Putin protests in Russia in 2012 and 2013. The articles of this section include debunkings of conventional punditry about the motives and nature of those protests, as well as reflections on the properties and potentials of a depoliticized Russian citizenry. These were fascinating pieces, and I was surprised to see many similarities between Russian and US political situations in the 21st century, even as the authors emphasized the peculiarities and uniqueness of the Russian situation.
4 stem paradoxosalpha | Jun 13, 2014 |
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"The right to religious liberty is a powerful and enduring feature of contemporary secular liberal legal and political thought. Dominant narratives portray this right as a universally shared and fundamentally neutral principle whose proper implementation depends on societies rising above their particular historical, political, and religious contexts. The essays in this special issue challenge this narrative by interrogating both the contingent historical and political contexts in which the right to religious freedom first emerged and its continued exercise in Europe, the United States, the Middle East, and South Asia. Several essays call into question the purported secularity and neutrality of the right to religious liberty by offering a critical reading of its deployment in early modern Europe, in liberal political thought, in the Cold War context, and in the current American evangelical mobilization on its behalf. Other essays examine controversial legal judgments about religious liberty to make visible the shared and distinct legal histories of India, Egypt, and the European Court of Human Rights."--Publisher description.

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