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Grace's Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grown-Up

door Grace Helbig

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2408116,098 (3.82)Geen
""One of the sharpest, funniest voices on YouTube" (Forbes), comedian Grace Helbig offers an irreverent and illustrated guide to life for anyone faced with the challenge of growing up. Face it--being a young adult in the digital era is one of the hardest things to be. Well, maybe there are harder things in life...but being an adult is difficult! So Grace Helbig has written a guide that's perfect for anyone who is faced with the daunting task of becoming an adult. Infused with her trademark saucy, sweet, and funny voice, Grace's Guide is a tongue-in-cheek handbook for millennials, encompassing everything a young or new (or regular or old) adult needs to know, from surviving a breakup to recovering from a hangover. Beautifully illustrated and full-color, Grace's Guide features interactive elements and exclusive stories from Grace's own misadventures--like losing her virginity solely because her date took her to a Macaroni Grill--and many other hilarious lessons she learned the hard way. Amusing and unexpectedly educational, this refreshing and colorful guide proves that becoming an adult doesn't necessarily mean you have to grow up"--… (meer)
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1-5 van 8 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
This book is only worth reading if you're fifteen and the greatest conflict you face during the day is the size of your bangs. Fairly immature without the benefit of being funny. ( )
  SwatiRavi | Jun 27, 2022 |
A little kitchsy but enjoyable. It genuinely had some laugh out load moments about what adults should do in situations, and also had a few pieces of good advice, dressed up as humor. ( )
  tkappleton | May 12, 2019 |
....I don't know.
(Grace is my spirit animal) ( )
  theliteraryelephant | Aug 11, 2016 |
This would make a good coffee table book for college students. ( )
  racarpenter94 | Jan 27, 2016 |
A hilarious, fun-to-read book.

In the same way that Hannah Hart's My Drunk Kitchen is less of an actual cookbook and more of a fun-filled, joke-riddled, positive outlook on life, Grace Helbig's Grace's Guide is not a traditional self-help book, but is still a very fun and fulfilling read.

Much of the advice is a no-brainer, but is related in a funny way with plenty of humorous anecdotes. The text is sure to make you smile and brighten your day with its optimism even in not so good situations.

Reading this book is like talking to a good friend and is sure to make you feel a little bit better about life.

A lot of the book is just silly, complete with pictures, making for a nice, easy, feel-good read. ( )
  CareBear36 | Dec 20, 2015 |
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""One of the sharpest, funniest voices on YouTube" (Forbes), comedian Grace Helbig offers an irreverent and illustrated guide to life for anyone faced with the challenge of growing up. Face it--being a young adult in the digital era is one of the hardest things to be. Well, maybe there are harder things in life...but being an adult is difficult! So Grace Helbig has written a guide that's perfect for anyone who is faced with the daunting task of becoming an adult. Infused with her trademark saucy, sweet, and funny voice, Grace's Guide is a tongue-in-cheek handbook for millennials, encompassing everything a young or new (or regular or old) adult needs to know, from surviving a breakup to recovering from a hangover. Beautifully illustrated and full-color, Grace's Guide features interactive elements and exclusive stories from Grace's own misadventures--like losing her virginity solely because her date took her to a Macaroni Grill--and many other hilarious lessons she learned the hard way. Amusing and unexpectedly educational, this refreshing and colorful guide proves that becoming an adult doesn't necessarily mean you have to grow up"--

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Gemiddelde: (3.82)
1 2
2.5 1
3 10
4 18
5 10

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