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Habermas: A Biography

door Stefan Müller-Doohm

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461568,633 (4.67)1
'Jürgen Habermas', wrote the American philosopher Ronald Dworkin on the occasion of the great European thinker's eightieth birthday, 'is not only the world's most famous living philosopher. Even his fame is famous.' Now, after many years of intensive research and in-depth conversations with contemporaries, colleagues and Habermas himself, Stefan Müller-Doohm presents the first comprehensive biography of one of the most important public intellectuals of our time. From his political and philosophical awakening in West Germany to the formative relationships with Adorno and Horkheimer, Müller-Doohm masterfully traces the major forces that shaped Habermas's intellectual development. He shows how Habermas's life and work were conditioned by the possibilities offered to his generation in the unique circumstances of regained freedom that characterized postwar Germany. And yet Habermas's career is fascinating precisely because it amounts to more than a corpus of scholarly work, however original and influential that may be. For here is someone who continually left the protective space of the university in order to assume the role of a participant in controversial public debates Ð from the significance of the Holocaust to the future of Europe Ð and in this way sought to influence the development of social and political life in an arena much broader than the academy. The significance and virtuosity of Habermas's many writings over the years are also fully and expertly documented, ranging from his early work on the public sphere to his more recent writings on communicative action, cosmopolitanism and the postnational condition. What emerges from this biography is a vivid portrait of one of the great public intellectuals of our time Ð a unique thinker who has made an immense and lasting philosophical contribution but who, when he perceives that society is not living up to its potential for creating free and just conditions for all, becomes one of its most rigorous and persistent critics.… (meer)
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Jürgen Habermas is one of the most prolific authors of the last hundred years, and has just recently added a two-volume history of western philosophy to his tally. It is a shame that Stefan Müller-Doohm’s biography was published before Habermas’s Auch Eine Geschichte der Philosophie, but such is Habermas’ productivity that any book written about him is likely to be slightly outdated by its publication. Indeed, he may well have published another book by the time we get half-way through this review.

Müller-Doohm’s biography will remain valuable regardless. He brings to the task great skill as an historian of critical theory and as a writer: he studied with Adorno and Horkheimer and wrote a biography of the former. Müller-Doohm’s Habermas is well organized and clear, as well as extremely well researched. Müller-Doohm does not offer full or extensive analyses of Habermas’ ideas, but that is not the task of a biography, which should put those ideas in historical and personal context. At this, Müller-Doohm succeeds admirably. Habermas appears here in the lights of post-war German history, of his own extensive, idiosyncratic philosophical reading, and of the professional structures that he navigates so successfully.

See the full review here: ( )
  stillatim | Oct 23, 2020 |
toegevoegd door MLister | bewerkThe Nation, Peter Gordon (Sep 14, 2016)

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AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Müller-Doohm, StefanAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Joly, FrédéricVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Ces dernières décennies, Jürgen Habermas a été présenté de très diverses façons : « défenseur de la modernité » et « grand maître de la communication », « conscience publique de la culture politique » allemande et « Hegel de la République fédérale », « Éminence-sur-le-Main », « forte tête francfortoise » et « Praeceptor Germaniae », pour ne citer que quelques-unes des formules qui ont pu être utilisées à son endroit. [...]

« Il est vrai que je ne partage pas les postulats de base de la “théorie critique” tels qu’ils ont pris forme au début des années 1940. »

SALUTATIONS IRONIQUES D’UN CARICATURISTE À L’OCCASION D’UN ANNIVERSAIRE. À strictement parler, Jürgen Habermas ne fait pas partie de ce portrait de groupe, devenu célèbre, donné par le dessinateur, poète, et musicien de jazz Volker Kriegel, qui était entré en contact avec les personnages en question lors de son cursus d’étudiant à Francfort, dans les années 1960. [...]

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« L’instant de la catastrophe est celui de l’émancipation. »

Chapitre premier

« Notre forme de vie est liée à celle de nos parents et de nos grands-parents par un entrelacement presque inextricable de traditions familiales, locales, politiques et intellectuelles, et donc par tout un contexte historique qui nous a faits tels que nous sommes et ceux que nous sommes aujourd’hui. »

MILLE NEUF CENT VINGT-NEUF. Jürgen Habermas vient au monde le 18 juin 1929 à Düsseldorf, sur les rives du Rhin ; une autre naissance suivra. [...]
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'Jürgen Habermas', wrote the American philosopher Ronald Dworkin on the occasion of the great European thinker's eightieth birthday, 'is not only the world's most famous living philosopher. Even his fame is famous.' Now, after many years of intensive research and in-depth conversations with contemporaries, colleagues and Habermas himself, Stefan Müller-Doohm presents the first comprehensive biography of one of the most important public intellectuals of our time. From his political and philosophical awakening in West Germany to the formative relationships with Adorno and Horkheimer, Müller-Doohm masterfully traces the major forces that shaped Habermas's intellectual development. He shows how Habermas's life and work were conditioned by the possibilities offered to his generation in the unique circumstances of regained freedom that characterized postwar Germany. And yet Habermas's career is fascinating precisely because it amounts to more than a corpus of scholarly work, however original and influential that may be. For here is someone who continually left the protective space of the university in order to assume the role of a participant in controversial public debates Ð from the significance of the Holocaust to the future of Europe Ð and in this way sought to influence the development of social and political life in an arena much broader than the academy. The significance and virtuosity of Habermas's many writings over the years are also fully and expertly documented, ranging from his early work on the public sphere to his more recent writings on communicative action, cosmopolitanism and the postnational condition. What emerges from this biography is a vivid portrait of one of the great public intellectuals of our time Ð a unique thinker who has made an immense and lasting philosophical contribution but who, when he perceives that society is not living up to its potential for creating free and just conditions for all, becomes one of its most rigorous and persistent critics.

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