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De beste vriend (2014)

door Chris Carter

Reeksen: Robert Hunter (6)

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"A freak accident in rural Wyoming leads the Sheriff's Department to arrest a man for a possible double homicide, but further investigations suggest a much more horrifying discovery -- a serial killer who has been kidnapping, torturing and mutilating victims all over the United States for at least twenty-five years. The suspect claims he is a pawn in a huge labyrinth of lies and deception -- can he be believed?" --… (meer)
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 Book Discussion : An Evil Mind by Chris Carter: Chat9 ongelezen / 9Carol420, september 2018

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1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I have been having some major health problems just lately so this is my first review in several months and it is also the only book I have started reading and actually made it all the way to the end so for that I am extremely thankful for Chris Carter and An Evil Mind. I am praying he may have fixed my readers block as I have immediately picked up his new book Hunting Evil and it has made me excited about picking up a book again. So again – Thank You!

Being in pain constantly can really get you down so I have been battling with depression as well this time round. Up until now books have been my escape from the pain and illness but this time I lost the ability to do that no matter how many times I tried, and that just added to everything. The depression even with being prescribed anti depressants was still so bad I was and still do have days where I haven’t wanted to carry on. Life can feel like it would be better off without me, that I can’t and haven’t wanted to carry on, to the point that I had lined up all of my painkiller boxes, the anti depressants and the 2 boxes of sleeping pills with a bottle of vodka and that was what I was going to do, I was going to take them all just to make the pain and all the feelings, all the emotions just STOP. I had even gone as far as to leave a note on the front door saying; “Please do not come in, call the police and stay outside. I am sorry and I don’t want to put you through any more than I already have so please DO NOT COME IN. Sorry. I love you”

In the end it was the fact that someone would have to find me and I couldn’t do that to my daughter as it would have been her, she is only 16 and what finding me would do to her psychologically wouldn’t have been anything good but it hasn’t taken away me wanting to go down that path and those feelings have still been a daily internal battle. And these days it is small things that help make the day bearable and yesterday it was reading and actually completing reading this book, to actually be able to finish a book is a massive win for me. And the even bigger positive, I am excited about reading his new book. It is the first thing that has made me excited for anything in months. It’s almost a miracle in my tiny little world at the moment. If there was ever a time in my life when I needed a positive, this is it.

And for now this is it – my one little positive – I actually read, finished and enjoyed a whole book, start to finish! And also doing a book review, this is the first review I have attempted in a long time and been in a place to be able to do a review.

And what a book it turned out to be. Possibly not the kind of uplifting, feel good type of book I should have read but still a brilliantly clever read. I would love to be able to read Lucians notebooks, so if Chris Carter ever wrote those I would be in the queue to read them.

Even though it is a work of fiction it would still make great reading for anyone studying criminal psychology or criminology as both the main characters, Robert and Lucian are so well written and the knowledge of the author Chris Carter in those areas really shines throughout. The fact that he studied psychology with specialisation in criminal behaviour and worked as a criminal psychologist gives his books an advantage over other books in this genre giving them that edge.

All his books have been good but for me this one has by far been my favourite because of the look into his best character so far, Lucien Folter. He is the most intriguing fictional character I have ever come across and can not wait to read more about him in Chris Carters new book that has just been published on 2 May 2019 Hunting Evil.

This book is centred around the capture of an evil genius that has been on a killing spree exceeding 25 years completely undetected, a master psychologist who is killing, escalating his kills and documenting them in the name of research.

It is also about his relationship with the head of the Ultra Violent Crime Devision, Robert Hunter, also a phycology major so it is a meeting of minds that both combine to make a fascinatingly disturbing read.

If the minds of killers interest you then this is a book that will blow you away and is one not to be missed.

Very clever, very disturbing and very addictive, An Evil Mind is Chris Carters best book to date.

There is a follow up book Hunting Evil which was published on 2 May 2109 of which I will be reading next 😀 ( )
  DebTat2 | Oct 13, 2023 |
Ha ​eszébe jutsz… meghalsz.

Egy bizarr baleset folytán egy még bizarrabb gyilkosságra derül fény egy amerikai kisvárosban. A férfira azonban, akit a kettős gyilkosság vádjával letartóztatnak, hamarosan egy még sokkolóbb gyanú árnyéka vetül: legalább huszonöt éve folyamatosan rabolja el, kínozza és csonkítja meg az áldozatait. A gyanúsított azt állítja, ártatlanul keveredett bele az egészbe, és egy titokzatos idegen követte el a bűntényeket. De vajon lehet-e hinni neki?

Az FBI azonnal nyomozni kezd az ügyben, nemsokára azonban külső segítséget kell kérniük. A sorozatgyilkosokra specializálódott, elismert kriminálpszichológust, Robert Huntert bízzák meg azzal, hogy hallgassa ki a gyanúsítottat. Ez a nyomozó számára az eddigi pályafutása során kapott legnehezebb feladatnak bizonyul. A kihallgatás alatt ugyanis borzasztó titkok kerülnek napvilágra, amilyenekre senki sem számított. A legnagyobb titok mégis a gyilkos kilétét fedi, akinek az elkapásához Hunternek a saját magát kísértő démonokkal is szembe kell néznie…(Goodreads)
  Gabriyella | Aug 8, 2022 |
When a freak accident uncovers two heads in the back of his car the driver proclaims his innocence . When the FBI take over the case, with the help of Robert Hunter, he starts telling them his involvement and the help he can give them in tracking down the killer. But is all what it seems.
A NetGalley book - I think I need to look out for more in this series - enjoyed the story. ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
4.5 stars.

In Chris Carter's newest release, An Evil Mind, a grisly discovery in the trunk of a car pits LAPD Detective Robert Hunter against a sadistic serial killer. This sixth installment in the Robert Hunter mystery series is a chilling psychological thriller that will keep readers on the edge their seats until the last page is turned.

After the owner of the car is arrested and transferred into FBI custody, he refuses to speak to anyone but Robert Hunter. Robert does not recognize the prisoner's name, but as soon as he sees a picture of "Liam Shaw", he knows exactly who the FBI have in custody. Certain a mistake has been made, Robert agrees to fly to Quantico to talk to the prisoner and after their first meeting, he remains convinced the FBI have arrested the wrong man. However, soon after their investigation begins, he and FBI Special Agent Courtney Taylor are stunned by what they discover. When they return to discuss their findings with Liam, Robert is horrified to learn that Liam is probably one of the most vicious and prolific serial killers he has ever encountered.

In an effort to learn the breadth of his crimes, Robert and Courtney begin a series of interviews with Liam. Liam agrees to reveal his victims' names along with the location of their remains but only if Robert and Courtney agree to answer his questions with complete honesty. Wanting to bring closure to the friends and families of the missing persons, they reluctantly agree to Liam's conditions. However, neither Robert nor Courtney are prepared for what Liam is about to reveal nor do they suspect how deeply personal he will probe into their lives. Liam's queries about Robert's painful past are met with resistance but in the end, Robert has no choice but revisit the unhealed wounds he carries with him.

With each interview session, the tension builds as Liam discloses the horrific details of his increasingly gruesome and sadistic murders. Staggered by the extent of Liam's depravity, Robert must put aside his personal feelings when Liam makes an appalling announcement that puts them in a race against time to find his latest victim. Ignoring his instincts, Robert gives in Liam's demands and accompanied by Courtney, the three embark on an adrenaline filled journey that is full of shocking twists and turns.

An Evil Mind by Chris Carter is a dark and twisted psychological thriller that is impossible to put down. With brilliantly developed characters, an unpredictable storyline and mind-boggling plot twists, this suspense-laden novel thunders at a breakneck speed to a dramatic and action-filled conclusion that will keep readers' guessing the final outcome right up until the very last page. An absolutely outstanding police procedural that I highly recommend to old and new fans of the Robert Hunter series.
( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
Pretty much the most precious jewel and the most precious diamond of this series. I am sure if you've read all of my previous reviews of Chris Carter's work so far, you are familiar with Robert Hunter and my thoughts on Chris Carter's brilliant writing. So let me inform you of something new for a change. This novel isn't just his best novel that he's probably written, this novel is by far his most spectacular one, for this time there's no murder mystery in it, just an old friend of Robert's who is a true monster in every sense of the word. And Robert finds himself in his old friend's manipulative ways and discovers his old friend's truest form and far more personal connection to his past, one that's not for the people with a weak stomach, but more like for the people with a strong stomach. For this book is like Silence of the Lambs mixed with The Usual Suspects. It will keep you guessing the whole way through and you shall probably shed a tear once you shall learn something personal about Robert. So don't even hesitate if you're a big fan of thriller novels with truly killer twists that not only surprise the heck out of their readers, but also leave them thirst for much more. And I checked, there is more, a lot more, so when you shall be done with this one you shall be able to move on to the next one, for which I am sure it shall be equally spectacular. ( )
  Champ88 | Dec 25, 2019 |
1-5 van 16 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
*** 3 out of 5 Stars
Review by: Mark Palm

Quid Pro Quo

Current FBI statistics state that there is somewhere between 35 to 50 serial killers active at any given time in the United States. You can believe these stats or not, but if you were to judge by thriller novels there is a whole lot more than that. I have read several excellent novels the past few years featuring serial killers, so it can be done, but their very ubiquity of the concept means that writers have to have a fresh take if they want to go down that road. An Evil Mind by Chris Carter is a good thriller, but it isn’t quite original enough to be considered a real standout.

A traffic accident leads to the discovery of two severed heads in the trunk of a car. Robert Hunter, a detective for the Los Angeles Ultra Violent Crime Group, and a excellent criminal profiler, is asked by the FBI to aid them in this case, because the accused will only speak with Robert Hunter. It turns out that the man, named Lucien Folter, was Hunter’s room-mate at college. After this revelation most of the rest of the book is a series of interrogations between Hunter and Folter, with Agent Courtney Taylor along for the ride. There are plenty of twists and turns in Folter’s story, but for long stretches all we get are conversations between the three, with Hunter determinedly not reacting.

About half way through the pace picks up a bit when Folter reveals that he has a live hostage hidden away who will die unless they acquiesce to his his demands. It adds a bit more tension to the story but it’s a device that has been used a lot before. There’s a lot of quid pro quo going on, and Folter spends an inordinate amount of time trying to get under everyone’s skin as his stories of his murders becomes more and more monstrous and gruesome. There are some genuine thrills and chills along the way but Folter’s explanation of his “mission” an attempt to create an “encyclopedia of evil”, strains credulity. Still, the plot picks up speed when the action does, and the characters start to do more than sit around and talk. Near the end he manages to get the investigators to accede to a ton of his demands, and they make some big mistakes, but the finale is satisfying and surprising.

Mr. Carter knows how to creep a reader out, and generate suspense. The prose was transparent in the best way, but most of the characters, including Folter, didn’t quite come to life. Still, if you want a twisted scary thriller, you could do a lot worse that An Evil Mind.

Full reviews available at:
toegevoegd door thebookendfamily | bewerkThe Bookend Family, Mark Palm (Jan 13, 2016)

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"A freak accident in rural Wyoming leads the Sheriff's Department to arrest a man for a possible double homicide, but further investigations suggest a much more horrifying discovery -- a serial killer who has been kidnapping, torturing and mutilating victims all over the United States for at least twenty-five years. The suspect claims he is a pawn in a huge labyrinth of lies and deception -- can he be believed?" --

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