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Portals: Book 2 of The Thulukan Chronicles (Volume 2)

door Maer Wilson

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For supernatural detectives Thulu and La Fi, "normal" is a relative term. La Fi is a medium, Thulu is a finder, and their usual clients are already dead.But when their friend Reo is shot, and a group of stranded angels show up at their house for help to find a missing child, things are striking too close to home.And now the portals that let the magical races return to Earth have started opening on their own.With trips off-world, a kidnapped psychic and changes to their own abilities, Thulu and La Fi are hit with a lot more than they usually handle. Of course, their magical friends are there to help, but even they may not be enough to save an increasingly unstable Earth. Portals is the sequel to Relics and is Book 2 in "The Thulukan Chronicles."… (meer)
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Maer Wilson's Portals is a great follow-up in her Thulukan Chronicles series. The stakes are higher as the danger from other beings and humans themselves become a threat to Thulu and La Fi.

A fan girl like me will be happy to know that we learn a lot more about Jones. Still delicious. Still amazingly awesome.

In Relics, Wilson made me want to play with unicorns. Now, in Portals, she'd made me want to watch Light Ones fly.

If you can't tell, I'm a huge fan of this book and I can't wait for the next one. ( )
  DanielleDeVor | Feb 17, 2015 |
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For supernatural detectives Thulu and La Fi, "normal" is a relative term. La Fi is a medium, Thulu is a finder, and their usual clients are already dead.But when their friend Reo is shot, and a group of stranded angels show up at their house for help to find a missing child, things are striking too close to home.And now the portals that let the magical races return to Earth have started opening on their own.With trips off-world, a kidnapped psychic and changes to their own abilities, Thulu and La Fi are hit with a lot more than they usually handle. Of course, their magical friends are there to help, but even they may not be enough to save an increasingly unstable Earth. Portals is the sequel to Relics and is Book 2 in "The Thulukan Chronicles."

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