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The Plague of the Undead

door Joe McKinney

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391655,423 (3.4)Geen
Fiction. Horror. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:A Handful Of Survivors

For thirty years, they have avoided the outbreak of walking death that has consumed America's heartland. They have secured a small compound near the ruins of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Isolated from the world. Immune to the horror. Blissfully unaware of what lies outside in the region known as the Dead Lands. Until now. . .

A New Generation Of Explorers

Led by a military vet who's seen better days, the inexperienced offspring of the original survivors form a small expedition to explore the wastelands around them. A biologist, an anthropologist, a photographer, a salvage expert--all are hoping to build a new future from the rubble, which they call the "Dead Lands." Until all hell breaks loose. . .

A Land Of Death

The infected are still out there. Stalking. Feeding. Spreading like a virus. Wild animals roam the countryside, hunting prey. Small pockets of humanity hide in the shadows: some scared, some mad, all dangerous. This is the New World. If the explorers want it, they'll have to take it. Dead or alive. . .

Praise for Joe McKinney's novels

"A merciless, fast-paced and genuinely scary read that will leave you absolutely breathless." --Bram Stoker Award-winning author Brian Keene on Dead City

"A rising star on the horror scene."
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Not bad, but I had to blink when the aeroflyrt (sp?) showed up. Can't wait to discover where the raw materials all came from. As others have said, though, it really isn't much of a zombie novel, though, since the undead seemed more of an inconvenience than anything. I wasn't as bored with the caravan as others have seemed to be, but it did take the book in a different direction than what I was expecting. The explorers hit a dead end pretty quickly, literally for some, once the 'free men' showed up. ( )
  LWhite54 | Feb 28, 2016 |
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Fiction. Horror. Science Fiction. Thriller. HTML:A Handful Of Survivors

For thirty years, they have avoided the outbreak of walking death that has consumed America's heartland. They have secured a small compound near the ruins of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Isolated from the world. Immune to the horror. Blissfully unaware of what lies outside in the region known as the Dead Lands. Until now. . .

A New Generation Of Explorers

Led by a military vet who's seen better days, the inexperienced offspring of the original survivors form a small expedition to explore the wastelands around them. A biologist, an anthropologist, a photographer, a salvage expert--all are hoping to build a new future from the rubble, which they call the "Dead Lands." Until all hell breaks loose. . .

A Land Of Death

The infected are still out there. Stalking. Feeding. Spreading like a virus. Wild animals roam the countryside, hunting prey. Small pockets of humanity hide in the shadows: some scared, some mad, all dangerous. This is the New World. If the explorers want it, they'll have to take it. Dead or alive. . .

Praise for Joe McKinney's novels

"A merciless, fast-paced and genuinely scary read that will leave you absolutely breathless." --Bram Stoker Award-winning author Brian Keene on Dead City

"A rising star on the horror scene."

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