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Paths of the Dead

door Lin Anderson

Reeksen: Rhona MacLeod (9)

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491538,056 (3.56)1
When Amy MacKenzie agrees to attend a meeting at a local spiritualist church, the last person she expects to hear calling to her from beyond the grave is her son. The son whom she'd only spoken to an hour before. Then the body of a young man is found inside a neolithic stone circle high above the city of Glasgow and forensic scientist Rhona Macleod is soon on the case. The hands have been severed and there is a stone in the victim's mouth with the number five scratched on it. DI Michael McNab is certain it's a gangland murder, but Rhona isn't convinced. When a second body is found in similar circumstances, a pattern begins to emerge, of a killer intent on masterminding a gruesome Druidic game that everyone will be forced to play .. .… (meer)
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PATHS OF THE DEAD (Rhona Macleod #9) by Lin Anderson, is a very complex story line involving ritualistic killings at various neolithic stone circles in Scotland. Additional plot points include online gaming, clairvoyance, domestic abuse, rape, drug use, and extreme violence.
It is gruesome, gritty reading at times, full of twists and turns, forensic details, police procedures (or lack of, in some cases), and very complex and (at times) self-destructive personal tendencies of some of our main characters.. The descriptions of the neolithic circles in Scotland and a bit of their historical background was fascinating - a great ‘sense of place’ which I am very interested in. I also liked the cover art.
The forensic skills of Rhona and Chrissy, the police procedures and workings of the squad, the steadiness of DI Bill Wilson - when added together, produce this excellent, suspenseful, interesting Scottish noir. ( )
  diana.hauser | Feb 26, 2017 |
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When Amy MacKenzie agrees to attend a meeting at a local spiritualist church, the last person she expects to hear calling to her from beyond the grave is her son. The son whom she'd only spoken to an hour before. Then the body of a young man is found inside a neolithic stone circle high above the city of Glasgow and forensic scientist Rhona Macleod is soon on the case. The hands have been severed and there is a stone in the victim's mouth with the number five scratched on it. DI Michael McNab is certain it's a gangland murder, but Rhona isn't convinced. When a second body is found in similar circumstances, a pattern begins to emerge, of a killer intent on masterminding a gruesome Druidic game that everyone will be forced to play .. .

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