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Creatocracy: How the Constitution Invented Hollywood

door Elizabeth Wurtzel

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1621,340,329 (4.5)Geen
The defining characteristic of America is our fanaticism: We dream big, we think large, we create grandeur.' And we created Elizabeth Wurtzel: A celebrated writer who has lent her voice to depression, to women scorned, to addiction and now to the Constitution of the United States. True to form, Wurtzel brings to life the dry document that framed the nation, homing in on one key feature - the Intellectual Property clause - which she credits for everything cool in the US, from Bruce Springsteen and rock 'n roll, to Jeff Koons. A masterful crash-course.'… (meer)
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America is built on intellectual property, but it's owners of the property who are beholden to the audience and how they consume media. Elizabeth Wurtzel has never made IP more sexier than it is right now. ( )
  danjrosenbaum | Oct 29, 2020 |
I'm a fan of [ai:Elizabeth Wurtzel|4370|Elizabeth Wurtzel|] and have read all of her books. No matter what anyone may think of her, she is a great writer. She takes what could be a boring subject, the Intellectual Property clause of the United States' constitution and makes a compelling, as well as entertaining, argument that it is the reason why the U.S. has been a source of great art for the past two centuries. ( )
  ZelmerWilson | Oct 31, 2019 |
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The defining characteristic of America is our fanaticism: We dream big, we think large, we create grandeur.' And we created Elizabeth Wurtzel: A celebrated writer who has lent her voice to depression, to women scorned, to addiction and now to the Constitution of the United States. True to form, Wurtzel brings to life the dry document that framed the nation, homing in on one key feature - the Intellectual Property clause - which she credits for everything cool in the US, from Bruce Springsteen and rock 'n roll, to Jeff Koons. A masterful crash-course.'

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