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Het huis van de nachtschade een middeleeuws mysterie met broeder Athelstan (1991)

door Paul Doherty

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Reeksen: Brother Athelstan (1)

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4051564,809 (3.58)8
Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In 1376, the famed Black Prince died of a terrible rotting sickness, closely followed by his father, King Edward III. The crown of England is left in the hands of a mere boy, the future Richard II, and the great nobles gather like hungry wolves around the empty throne. As a terrible power struggle threatens the country, one of London's powerful merchant princes is foully murdered and Coroner Sir John Cranston and Dominican monk Brother Athelstan are ordered to investigate. When further deaths occur, they find themselves drawn ever deeper into a dark web of intrigue.

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I'm a big fan of historical fiction and loved Matthew Shardlake and James Shakespeare series. Athelstan series can rival them. However, in comparison, this book has a less historical backdrop than the Shardlake series.
Though the series is referred to as "Athelstan" series, Sir John Cranston gets to steal the show. Cant help but notice a shade of Falstaff (from the bard's Henry IV) in Cranston. Very entertaining! ( )
  harishwriter | Oct 12, 2023 |
The first in a medieval mystery series - didn't knock my socks off, by any means, but was perfectly entertaining for a quick read. ( )
  JBD1 | Jun 13, 2023 |
Nice set up for the series. Brother Athelstan is doing penance in a small chapel, Sir John Cranston is the coroner for London. The murder of Sir Thomas Springall draws them into a plot involving the highest ranks of English royalty. A nice little puzzle. ( )
  bgknighton | Nov 19, 2022 |
1376 A goldsmith named Sir Thomas Springall has been found in his bed, murdered. Sir John Cranston, coroner and his assistant Brother Athelstan are called in to investigate. But how and why was he killed. Then there is another death.
An enjoyable historical mystery ( )
  Vesper1931 | Jul 29, 2021 |
A murder mystery set at the beginning of Richard II’s reign in 1377. Our investigator is a priest working in the poorest of parishes in London, and also as an assistant to the coroner of London, an alcoholic but kindly knight. The first victim is a lord, secretive and discreetly homosexual, soon followed by other members of his household.

Quite graphic and plausible descriptions of the smells and excesses of life in a big city in the 14th Century, and moderately convincing thread of their investigation, but the final exposition of whodunnit wasn’t so strong. ( )
  Matt_B | Oct 18, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Doherty, Paulprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Ponsiglione, J.OntwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Wyman, DavidOmslagontwerperSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
Zacharow, ChristopherArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Mystery. Historical Fiction. HTML:

In 1376, the famed Black Prince died of a terrible rotting sickness, closely followed by his father, King Edward III. The crown of England is left in the hands of a mere boy, the future Richard II, and the great nobles gather like hungry wolves around the empty throne. As a terrible power struggle threatens the country, one of London's powerful merchant princes is foully murdered and Coroner Sir John Cranston and Dominican monk Brother Athelstan are ordered to investigate. When further deaths occur, they find themselves drawn ever deeper into a dark web of intrigue.


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