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Suzanne White's Book of Chinese Chance: What the Oriental Zodiac Can Tell You About Yourself and Your Future

door Suzanne White

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251945,914 (5)Geen
Suzanne White s Book of Chinese Chance is the first complete American book on the ancient art of Chinese Astrology, originally published in 1976. Whether you want to cast your own fate or find out why your lover, boss, husband, wife, children, or friends act the way they do, Chinese Chance gives you the answer. Suzanne White first learned about the Chinese zodiac in Paris, where she lived and befriended Jane Fonda, Dory Previn, Yul Brynner, and Bob Dylan, among others. The Chinese Horoscope was tres a la mode in Europe in the Seventies, and in this book Suzanne White passes along her mastery of the zodiac symbols. The oriental zodiac system is based on a cycle of twelve animal years: the years of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Here the lay person will find the tools to use age-old zodiac wisdom to discover what makes people tick, who goes with whom, and what to do if problems arise. Suzanne White provides all the information you need to cast your own Chinese horoscope or anyone else s. Along the way she gives you new insights on Katharine Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Salvadore Dali, and many others according to the characteristics of their respective zodiac symbols."… (meer)
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A delightful introduction to Chinese astrology, written in a lively, accessible manner. While not as detailed as later books on the subject (particularly about the five elements and their 60-year cycle for each animal sign), this book's insightful prose portraits of actual people born in each sign help readers to understand and remember the signs' characteristics. ( )
  puckmls | Mar 6, 2011 |
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Far away and long ago in Paris, France, I, Suzanne White, lay me down to die.
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Suzanne White s Book of Chinese Chance is the first complete American book on the ancient art of Chinese Astrology, originally published in 1976. Whether you want to cast your own fate or find out why your lover, boss, husband, wife, children, or friends act the way they do, Chinese Chance gives you the answer. Suzanne White first learned about the Chinese zodiac in Paris, where she lived and befriended Jane Fonda, Dory Previn, Yul Brynner, and Bob Dylan, among others. The Chinese Horoscope was tres a la mode in Europe in the Seventies, and in this book Suzanne White passes along her mastery of the zodiac symbols. The oriental zodiac system is based on a cycle of twelve animal years: the years of the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Cat, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Here the lay person will find the tools to use age-old zodiac wisdom to discover what makes people tick, who goes with whom, and what to do if problems arise. Suzanne White provides all the information you need to cast your own Chinese horoscope or anyone else s. Along the way she gives you new insights on Katharine Hepburn, Jack Nicholson, Salvadore Dali, and many others according to the characteristics of their respective zodiac symbols."

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