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Thicker than Water

door Sally Spencer

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2221,047,536 (4.38)Geen
DCI Monika Paniatowski investigates a case that could be the making - or, more likely, breaking - of her career DCI Monika Paniatowski has only been back from maternity leave for three days when she is called in to investigate a nightmare of a case. Not only is the murder victim a mother of three small children, but her husband is a wealthy politician. Monika knows that if she can't make a quick arrest her career is on the line. It's lucky, then, that within minutes of meeting Councillor Danbury, she has a bruised face - and a prime suspect. But then the case takes a nasty twist, and suddenly the investigation is national news. Monika's sure she has the right man - but how to prove it?… (meer)
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Though this is the 10th in the Monika Panitowski series, it is the first for me, and I am an instant fan. I started reading this book on web site and went on to order it for my Kindle. It's a good read, hard to put down. I really like the British detective, Monika Panitowski, her sidekick, Meadows, a rather unconventional person, even more so than Monika, and the good and steady Bereson. The backstory of Monica being the recent mother of twins as the result of an unreported and unknown to her colleagues gang rape adds quite a bit of mystery and intrigue too. This series is British, procedural, and set in the 70's which carries its own set of assumptions, and is built around a case of murder in the light of spousal abuse, a generational thing. It really is a satisfying whodunnit with some interesting twists and even more interesting characters, major and minor. ( )
  MarthaHuntley | Jul 16, 2016 |
The characters are unforgettable. A great, the mystery is solved by using forensics ,proper procedures and of course your brain and common sense.

***This book was received in exchange for an honest review**** ( )
  druidgirl | Jun 8, 2016 |
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DCI Monika Paniatowski investigates a case that could be the making - or, more likely, breaking - of her career DCI Monika Paniatowski has only been back from maternity leave for three days when she is called in to investigate a nightmare of a case. Not only is the murder victim a mother of three small children, but her husband is a wealthy politician. Monika knows that if she can't make a quick arrest her career is on the line. It's lucky, then, that within minutes of meeting Councillor Danbury, she has a bruised face - and a prime suspect. But then the case takes a nasty twist, and suddenly the investigation is national news. Monika's sure she has the right man - but how to prove it?

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