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Damascus Journey (Hannah of Fort Bridger Series #8) (2001)

door Al Lacy, JoAnna Lacy (Auteur)

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621436,521 (4.5)Geen
Fiction. Romance. Western. Christian Fiction. HTML:

When Hannah Cooper and her children pray for the salvation of their Jewish friend, Jacob Kates, they have no idea what it might take to see that prayer answered. Mary Beth Cooper has said that, if need be, she'll give her life to see him become a Christian. But will she have to prove it? Thousands of devoted Lacy readers will find out in this eighth installment of the Hannah of Fort Bridger series, which continues the saga of a widowed frontier woman's faith-filled journey through the hardships and joys of life.

From the Trade Paperback edition.

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All good things must come to an end, and so ends this series. I have thoroughly enjoyed my stay at Fort Bridger, Wyoming in the late 1800's. I have come to appreciate the Cooper family and all the folks in town.

This story is mostly centered around Jacob Kates and the Cooper family's desire for him to claim Jesus as his Messiah. When Mary Beth Cooper tells Jacob that she would lay down her life if it meant him becoming a believer, little did anyone know how close that will come to being true. There will also be a soldier that comes to Fort Bridger in the book and he will find great comfort in the Cooper family after his wife and young child were killed. In fact, the book leaves you hanging , , , but I am pretty sure Hannah may have found someone she can share the rest of her life with.

This is a series of how much of an impact a courageous and God honoring woman can have on her family and friends in the midst of a rugged country with dangers at every turn. Her love for her Lord was so inspiring and all 8 of these books are like one big story, with no time lapses in between stories. Read them all in the order written and you won't be disappointed. ( )
  judyg54 | Dec 10, 2016 |
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Lacy, AlAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd
Lacy, JoAnnaAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Fiction. Romance. Western. Christian Fiction. HTML:

When Hannah Cooper and her children pray for the salvation of their Jewish friend, Jacob Kates, they have no idea what it might take to see that prayer answered. Mary Beth Cooper has said that, if need be, she'll give her life to see him become a Christian. But will she have to prove it? Thousands of devoted Lacy readers will find out in this eighth installment of the Hannah of Fort Bridger series, which continues the saga of a widowed frontier woman's faith-filled journey through the hardships and joys of life.

From the Trade Paperback edition.


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