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The Light Between Us: Stories from Heaven. Lessons for the Living. (2015)

door Laura Lynne Jackson

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1023275,573 (4.32)Geen
New Age. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • For readers of Proof of Heaven, the astonishing story of a woman with an extraordinary psychic gift—and a powerful message from the Other Side that can help us to live more beautifully in the here and now.

Laura Lynne Jackson is a wife, a mother, a high school English teacher—and a psychic medium. Where most believe an impenetrable wall divides the world between the living and the dead, Jackson sees brilliant cords of light. She has dedicated her life to exploring our connection to the Other Side, conversing with departed loved ones, and helping people come to terms with loss. In The Light Between Us, she writes with clarity and grace, addressing the eternal questions that vex us all: Why are we here? What happens when we die? How do we find our true path in this life? Laura Lynne Jackson’s story offers a new understanding of the vast reach of our consciousness and enlarges our view of the human experience.

Praise for The Light Between Us

“A brilliant milestone marking our passage toward comprehending the deeper truths of our existence.”—Eben Alexander, M.D., author of Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven

“I read The Light Between Us with great joy, savoring the wonderful stories and messages of hope. It is a book filled with wisdom and love, exploring the deep bonds that keep us eternally connected to our soul mates.”—Brian L. Weiss, M.D., author of Many Lives, Many Masters

“A spiritual game-changer . . . For those suffering a terrible loss, you will find peace and comfort in her story. For those who question the afterlife, you will become a believer.”—Laura Schroff, co-author of An Invisible Thread

“Straightforward, unassuming, and profoundly generous . . . Brave, honest, and beautiful, this book is a treasure.”—Mark Epstein, M.D., author of Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart

“One of the most insightful and inspiring books about mediumship I have ever read.”—Gary E. Schwartz, author of The Afterlife Experiments and The Sacred Promise.
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"I know that when we open our minds to the ways in which we're all entangled-a part of the same whole, encompassing past, present, and future-we begin to see connections and meaning and light where before all we saw was darkness." ~ Laura Lynne Jackson

Laura Lynne Jackson's book The Light Between Us is a must read for anyone who has lost a loved one; grieving parents, children who have lost a beloved grandparent, even those who dearly miss their pets will find solace in this heartfelt biographical story.

This book arrived through the help of synchronicity & reached me at a time when I was struggling with my own psychic abilities. There have been so many times when I wanted to give up; times when my doubt & fear overtook belief & stymied my progress as an intuitive. This book isn't just for those who are grieving over a lost loved one; it is also perfect for the developing psychic or medium.

The Light Between Us details how the author traverses her life from a sensitive child to a young woman struggling to come to terms with her psychic abilities; a life in which the odd & the amazing, truth & doubt, & a magical surrealism, combine in wild & wonderful ways. Throughout the story, we see Laura Lynne Jackson riding the rough road of an intuitive; vacillating between self-doubt, & handling skeptics who refuse to believe that we are all made up of energy, & discovering that connecting to the other side is as easy for her as crossing the street is for most of us. But always, always she is looking forward, keeping possibility in view, searching for answers & remaining open to change, to her belief in what she does & to the beautiful, life-changing messages those in spirit can bring us.

Laura expertly weaves her messages of light, love & heartfelt connection to our lost loved ones through her own experiences. She offers peace to those who would otherwise waste so much time stuck in the grieving process, not living the life they were meant to live. I immediately related to Laura Lynne Jackson's roller coaster ride of acceptance & denial. What really amazed me was how she held onto her doubt for so long despite having overwhelming positive feedback from those for whom she'd read. It was clear to me by part two of her three-part book that I was reading the words of a gifted light worker.

Here's a thought: don't read this book to find answers about mediums, to criticize or praise intuitives or even to reinforce your religious beliefs or ideas you might have pertaining to the afterlife. Simply read this book in order to understand how keeping an open mind, finding strength in oneself, & moving beyond seemingly impossible barriers can lead a person to live a more fulfilling life. I believe this is something we can all relate to. Don't let skepticism stop you from reading this book! As a matter of fact, I'd be willing to bet this story has found you not by chance but because you were meant to find it.

"I want you to understand that this very book has found its way into your hands for a reason." ~ Laura Lynne Jackson ( )
  lc_graham | Aug 22, 2020 |
I would like to thank The publisher for sending me a free copy of "The Light Between Us" which did not effect my review in anyway. The first thing that struck me was the feeling that had won the contest for a reason and that I was meant to read it and read it I did. The non-fiction book is a auto biography of LUARA LYNNE JACKSON a certified medium and psychic. It is a fascinating book that really opened me up to the chances of there being an "other side" which shifted my thinking a good deal. If you have ever wondered about the big questions of our existence then I recommend you read this fascinating book! I don't have to see the future to tell you that you will love this book! ( )
  thornleylv | Mar 24, 2016 |
I wish I knew more about Laura Lynne Jackson before I read her good book. I really enjoyed reading her telling of how she first became aware of her gift, and how she learned to embrace it. It must have been frustrating being a teacher by day and a psychic medium by night. It really wasn't until the late twentieth century that openly talking about psychics was becoming more widely accepted. The veil between this life and the after life is getting thinner.

I heard one person's critique "Why do they on the other side always say that they are well and love us. Why don't they tell us what they do over there." I presume it is a valid question. I would think it would be more of a personal answer. I took my mom to a local psychic once (spendy). Frank Sinatra said he was with Mom's family eating oyster soup. Mom never mentioned that. That was always their favorite food. But, Mom got very angry and yelled, "Why is HE talking to ME? Connie likes him. I DON'T!"

One more thing. Before my Grandma passed. We said we would let each other know when we get to the other side (HOME),we would let each other know. So, yes, if we watch for signs, hear certain songs or anything, our relatives, friends, and loved ones are always here. I highly recommend this beautiful book as a great gift to anyone who needs reassurance and validation. Laura Lynne Jackson wrote a beautiful book. I got so much out of it. I am so glad I was able to read it.

Thank you Netgalley and Random House for giving me an advance copy of this book to read and give my honest review. ( )
  Connie57103 | Oct 29, 2015 |
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New Age. Self-Improvement. Nonfiction. HTML:NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • For readers of Proof of Heaven, the astonishing story of a woman with an extraordinary psychic gift—and a powerful message from the Other Side that can help us to live more beautifully in the here and now.

Laura Lynne Jackson is a wife, a mother, a high school English teacher—and a psychic medium. Where most believe an impenetrable wall divides the world between the living and the dead, Jackson sees brilliant cords of light. She has dedicated her life to exploring our connection to the Other Side, conversing with departed loved ones, and helping people come to terms with loss. In The Light Between Us, she writes with clarity and grace, addressing the eternal questions that vex us all: Why are we here? What happens when we die? How do we find our true path in this life? Laura Lynne Jackson’s story offers a new understanding of the vast reach of our consciousness and enlarges our view of the human experience.

Praise for The Light Between Us

“A brilliant milestone marking our passage toward comprehending the deeper truths of our existence.”—Eben Alexander, M.D., author of Proof of Heaven and The Map of Heaven

“I read The Light Between Us with great joy, savoring the wonderful stories and messages of hope. It is a book filled with wisdom and love, exploring the deep bonds that keep us eternally connected to our soul mates.”—Brian L. Weiss, M.D., author of Many Lives, Many Masters

“A spiritual game-changer . . . For those suffering a terrible loss, you will find peace and comfort in her story. For those who question the afterlife, you will become a believer.”—Laura Schroff, co-author of An Invisible Thread

“Straightforward, unassuming, and profoundly generous . . . Brave, honest, and beautiful, this book is a treasure.”—Mark Epstein, M.D., author of Going to Pieces Without Falling Apart

“One of the most insightful and inspiring books about mediumship I have ever read.”—Gary E. Schwartz, author of The Afterlife Experiments and The Sacred Promise.

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