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This Little Fish (Mini Movers)

door R. Powell

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712,431,834 (4)Geen
Many different fish and sea animals fill this Mini Movers book of fun with panels to slide. Mini Movers are chunky miniature board books, perfect in size to fit toddlers' tiny hands. Each cleverly designed two-page spread has a delightful sliding feature that is part of the illustration. Kids move it up or down to change a picture into something new. For example, a pink little pig on the left-hand page comes with the words, "This pig is clean." The facing page shows a wooden pigpen and has the caption, "This pig is. . ." When kids slide the pigpen wall up, they discover the pig romping in the mud, accompanied by the word, "dirty." Toddlers will love sliding the pieces back and forth and seeing how different animals act. Simple words, actions, and pictures make these titles fine interactive first books for baby. (Ages 1-4)… (meer)
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Toddler, preschool, 4starP ( )
  saraml | Apr 12, 2010 |
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Many different fish and sea animals fill this Mini Movers book of fun with panels to slide. Mini Movers are chunky miniature board books, perfect in size to fit toddlers' tiny hands. Each cleverly designed two-page spread has a delightful sliding feature that is part of the illustration. Kids move it up or down to change a picture into something new. For example, a pink little pig on the left-hand page comes with the words, "This pig is clean." The facing page shows a wooden pigpen and has the caption, "This pig is. . ." When kids slide the pigpen wall up, they discover the pig romping in the mud, accompanied by the word, "dirty." Toddlers will love sliding the pieces back and forth and seeing how different animals act. Simple words, actions, and pictures make these titles fine interactive first books for baby. (Ages 1-4)

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