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The Haunted Heist

door Angie Fox

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13262214,282 (4.48)2
Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Angie Fox

Just because she can see the dead doesn't mean Verity Long wants to spend her days hunting ghosts. Instead, she's over the moon to land a marketing job at the local bank...until she finds her new boss dead in the vault. Even her ghost friend, Frankie, knows that's no way to start a career.

Relieved to let the police take charge, Verity steps aside, bound and determined to keep her ghost sightings to herself. But when she learns the main suspect in the murder is a very crooked, very dead mobster, Verity knows it's up to her to solve the case.

She teams up with her ghostly gangster buddy Frankie, as well as the irresistible and charming Ellis, as the three of them search haunted mob hideouts, hidden passageways, and historic cemeteries for the facts behind the heist of the century—and a modern-day motive for murder.

Too bad uncovering the truth could very well make Verity the next victim...

What Reviewers are saying...

5 Stars! " A great 'who done it' all the way to the end of the book."

5 Stars! "I've read the entirety of Angie Fox's Southern Ghost Hunter series, and have to say that The Haunted Heist is the best installment yet."

5 Stars! "Left me feeling like I was in the ghostly speakeasy dodging bullets right along with Verity. GREAT BOOK!"

5 Stars! "If you're looking for a sweet, fun, totally take me away series, this is the one for you."

Rating: Clean and Wholesome

Paranormal Cozy Mystery Romance (with a cute pet skunk!)

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1-5 van 62 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
I've decided to do a 31 days of October, in doing so I will be showcasing my love for Supernatural, Horror, Mystery & suspense/thriller. Not sure if I want to keep it limited to books or branch out to other media like Television, Movies and Music. If you want to join in go ahead. The More the Merrier! (or would it be scarier?). Starting off my October 1st is my review for Book 3 of the Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries.

The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries is my go to books for when I am feeling the need for some easy and entertaining reading. While I do still love Verity, Frankie and the gang this book seemed just a tiny bit blah. It follows almost the exact same format and almost the same story. Verity is still broke, Frankie still hasn't been able to move on & her evil almost mother in law is well... Still evil.

There were a couple of things that did sort of made this one stand out. Verity and Ellis finally decided to make things official and try despite everything seemingly being against them. Verity's secret is also now out of the bag which makes me really interested in reading the next book. ( )
  latteslipsticklit | Nov 16, 2023 |
I didn't exactly expect a fully consistent magic system out of something laid back like that but there are limits.
This one went completely bonkers with the rules and just made stuff up on the spot for cheap action kicks which is just that. cheap.
I'm out. ( )
  omission | Oct 19, 2023 |
I've decided to do a 31 days of October, in doing so I will be showcasing my love for Supernatural, Horror, Mystery & suspense/thriller. Not sure if I want to keep it limited to books or branch out to other media like Television, Movies and Music. If you want to join in go ahead. The More the Merrier! (or would it be scarier?). Starting off my October 1st is my review for Book 3 of the Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries.

The Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries is my go to books for when I am feeling the need for some easy and entertaining reading. While I do still love Verity, Frankie and the gang this book seemed just a tiny bit blah. It follows almost the exact same format and almost the same story. Verity is still broke, Frankie still hasn't been able to move on & her evil almost mother in law is well... Still evil.

There were a couple of things that did sort of made this one stand out. Verity and Ellis finally decided to make things official and try despite everything seemingly being against them. Verity's secret is also now out of the bag which makes me really interested in reading the next book. ( )
  Lattes_Literature | Dec 23, 2021 |
I know I read this one, I remember the end but apparently never marked it as done. ( )
  MystereityReviews | Oct 8, 2021 |
Oh, this was fun! I have really been enjoying the Southern Ghost Hunter Mysteries series so I was eager to listen to this installment. It was really easy to slip back into Verity’s world and I could wait to go along as she worked to solve another mystery with her ghostly companion, Frankie. From beginning to end, I was completely entertained by this delightful cozy mystery.

When Verity gets the chance to work with the local bank, she is excited about the opportunity until the man giving her the job ends up dead in the bank’s vault during their first meeting. When she figures out that a ghost may have some involvement, she knows that she needs to look into the case. The mystery kept me guessing and there were some developments that will impact future books in the series.

Tavia Gilbert is one of my favorite narrators and I think that she does a fantastic job with this series. I love the voices that she uses for Verity, Frankie, Ellis, and all of the other characters. I think that she is able to add a lot of emotion to her reading which really helps to bring the story to life. I am sure that her narration added to my overall enjoyment of this book.

I would definitely recommend this book to others. I really like all of the characters in this series and think that the paranormal element is very well done. I cannot wait to check out more of Verity’s adventures! ( )
  Carolesrandomlife | Aug 27, 2021 |
1-5 van 62 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
From the opening skunk bath to the sweet and hope filled ending, Angie Fox has done it again.
This latest in her The Southern Ghost Hunter Mystery is a wonderfully engaging story. Written cleverly, I didn't know who did it until the end, was a book hard to put down.
No graphic sexual or violent content, I would even say this is a wonderful read for teens, would have no problem letting my 14 year old granddaughter read it.
I find myself routing for all the characters to find their happily ever afters. But then again I don't want the story to end.
I can not wait for book #4, to see what is next for Verity, Ellis, Frankie and Lucy. Maybe a wedding???
toegevoegd door LoriCrumMiller | bewerkEarly Review Copy, Lori Miller (Mar 17, 2016)

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Fantasy. Fiction. Mystery. Romance. HTML:

From New York Times bestselling author Angie Fox

Just because she can see the dead doesn't mean Verity Long wants to spend her days hunting ghosts. Instead, she's over the moon to land a marketing job at the local bank...until she finds her new boss dead in the vault. Even her ghost friend, Frankie, knows that's no way to start a career.

Relieved to let the police take charge, Verity steps aside, bound and determined to keep her ghost sightings to herself. But when she learns the main suspect in the murder is a very crooked, very dead mobster, Verity knows it's up to her to solve the case.

She teams up with her ghostly gangster buddy Frankie, as well as the irresistible and charming Ellis, as the three of them search haunted mob hideouts, hidden passageways, and historic cemeteries for the facts behind the heist of the century—and a modern-day motive for murder.

Too bad uncovering the truth could very well make Verity the next victim...

What Reviewers are saying...

5 Stars! " A great 'who done it' all the way to the end of the book."

5 Stars! "I've read the entirety of Angie Fox's Southern Ghost Hunter series, and have to say that The Haunted Heist is the best installment yet."

5 Stars! "Left me feeling like I was in the ghostly speakeasy dodging bullets right along with Verity. GREAT BOOK!"

5 Stars! "If you're looking for a sweet, fun, totally take me away series, this is the one for you."

Rating: Clean and Wholesome

Paranormal Cozy Mystery Romance (with a cute pet skunk!)


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