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A Child's Geography of the World

door V. M. Hillyer

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380169,847 (4.03)2
A Child's Geography of the World is a general course in geography for juveniles. Hillyer was headmaster at the famed Calvert School and wrote a series of books as part of the curriculum for his students. This title was the result of many years of teaching the subject to young children and of several more years in authoring it. The books is now considered in a classic in home schooling. illustrated with maps and drawings.… (meer)
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Written to be read like a story-book. It reminds me of my 6th grade teacher's reading to us at Salk Elementary, in Anaheim, California, 1961-62, Mrs. Marion Sylvester Kacey. She read us Van Loon's History of the World; she also read a lot of other great books. She showed us slides from her trip to the Soviet Union during the time our U-2 pilot was being held there (even showed us a picture of the prison he was being kept at which she disguised in a "tourist" picture of a fountain or something). She took us seriously. She thought we were "citizens" and that we should know about the world. This book seems to be written with the idea in mind that American kids could not afford to grow up ignorant. Note the interesting date.
  golf1951 | Sep 11, 2009 |
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A Child's Geography of the World is a general course in geography for juveniles. Hillyer was headmaster at the famed Calvert School and wrote a series of books as part of the curriculum for his students. This title was the result of many years of teaching the subject to young children and of several more years in authoring it. The books is now considered in a classic in home schooling. illustrated with maps and drawings.

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