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ARISEN, Book Twelve - Carnage (Volume 12)

door Michael Stephen Fuchs

Reeksen: Arisen (12)

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251945,914 (3.6)Geen
Readers call the ARISEN series: "unrelenting, unflinching, and unputdownable" ... "a tour de force" ... "Electrifying, Thrilling, and Heart-Stopping" ... "brutally fast, intense, intelligent, interesting and just brilliant" ... "as exciting and intense as any book I have read" ... "thrill ride at Mach 2 with the Top Down" ... "not only the best zombie apocalypse series in print, it's also better than any military classic written by Clancy, Coyle or Poyer" ... "the best thing to happen to this genre" ... "the new Gold Standard - by far the most thoughtful and intriguing zombie series ever written" ... "All I can possibly say is, thank you for the Canadian flaming zombie machine gunner" ... "moves a mile a minute" ... "I have to know what happens next!!!!!!! Now!!!!" ... "I have run out of hyperbole and adjectives for this series" ... "would have given it 13 stars" ... "an apocalyptic magnum opus" ... "a continual heart attack..." ARISEN, Book Twelve - Carnage is now a #1 bestseller in Dystopian Science Fiction, #1 in War & Military Action Fiction, and an Amazon overall Top 100 bestseller. ALPHA TEAM LOOKS THE DEVIL IN THE EYEAfter recovering Patient Zero, Alpha must escape Africa to end the ZA once and for all. But they can feel the hot breath of a reinforced and vengeful Spetsnaz team on their necks - and there can be no escaping the reckoning of an ultimate sniper showdown between Ali and Vasily, and an incomparably brutal iron-cage Texas deathmatch between Predator and Misha. For the first time, all the teams will come together and must fight as brothers, for any chance of making it back to Britain. And only one thing is certain - not everyone is walking away from this one... ONE TROOP RALLIES AGAINST DECIMATION AND DEFEATAfter rescuing Aliyev, One Troop is pinned down in Red Square between a surging singularity and the merciless killers of Spetsnaz Alfa Group. They're about to lose their second aircraft, they still don't have the zombie-killing MZ, and the clock is ticking down on their pinhole of escape. Only the most vicious and desperate gambit can give them a chance of saving London, not to mention themselves - but Jameson refuses to fail... THE CREW OF THE KENNEDY BATTLES BACKWith the bridge and most critical stations held by the world's deadliest maritime commando force, and Dr. Park pinned down by a smash-mouth battle and last stand in the ship's hospital, time is running out for the shellshocked and outgunned crew of the JFK to fight back. The ultimate heroism and sacrifice of everyone from storekeepers all the way up to Commander Drake himself will be required to fight their way back from the brink... Defiance. Valor. Consecration. CARNAGE… (meer)
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Some of these action scenes are starting to bore me. They make me think of a fake wrestling match. And it seemed like the last third of this book covered a time period which wouldn't have been longer than 5, maybe 10, minutes. ( )
  OgreZed | Sep 15, 2020 |
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Arisen (12)
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Readers call the ARISEN series: "unrelenting, unflinching, and unputdownable" ... "a tour de force" ... "Electrifying, Thrilling, and Heart-Stopping" ... "brutally fast, intense, intelligent, interesting and just brilliant" ... "as exciting and intense as any book I have read" ... "thrill ride at Mach 2 with the Top Down" ... "not only the best zombie apocalypse series in print, it's also better than any military classic written by Clancy, Coyle or Poyer" ... "the best thing to happen to this genre" ... "the new Gold Standard - by far the most thoughtful and intriguing zombie series ever written" ... "All I can possibly say is, thank you for the Canadian flaming zombie machine gunner" ... "moves a mile a minute" ... "I have to know what happens next!!!!!!! Now!!!!" ... "I have run out of hyperbole and adjectives for this series" ... "would have given it 13 stars" ... "an apocalyptic magnum opus" ... "a continual heart attack..." ARISEN, Book Twelve - Carnage is now a #1 bestseller in Dystopian Science Fiction, #1 in War & Military Action Fiction, and an Amazon overall Top 100 bestseller. ALPHA TEAM LOOKS THE DEVIL IN THE EYEAfter recovering Patient Zero, Alpha must escape Africa to end the ZA once and for all. But they can feel the hot breath of a reinforced and vengeful Spetsnaz team on their necks - and there can be no escaping the reckoning of an ultimate sniper showdown between Ali and Vasily, and an incomparably brutal iron-cage Texas deathmatch between Predator and Misha. For the first time, all the teams will come together and must fight as brothers, for any chance of making it back to Britain. And only one thing is certain - not everyone is walking away from this one... ONE TROOP RALLIES AGAINST DECIMATION AND DEFEATAfter rescuing Aliyev, One Troop is pinned down in Red Square between a surging singularity and the merciless killers of Spetsnaz Alfa Group. They're about to lose their second aircraft, they still don't have the zombie-killing MZ, and the clock is ticking down on their pinhole of escape. Only the most vicious and desperate gambit can give them a chance of saving London, not to mention themselves - but Jameson refuses to fail... THE CREW OF THE KENNEDY BATTLES BACKWith the bridge and most critical stations held by the world's deadliest maritime commando force, and Dr. Park pinned down by a smash-mouth battle and last stand in the ship's hospital, time is running out for the shellshocked and outgunned crew of the JFK to fight back. The ultimate heroism and sacrifice of everyone from storekeepers all the way up to Commander Drake himself will be required to fight their way back from the brink... Defiance. Valor. Consecration. CARNAGE

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Michael Stephen Fuchs is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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