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Cured: The Tale of Two Imaginary Boys (2016)

door Lol Tolhurst

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1124251,783 (3.95)2
A deeply moving and engaging memoir by Laurence "Lol" Tolhurst, cofounder of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees The Cure As two of the first punks in a provincial English town, Lol Tolhurst and Robert Smith didn't have it easy. Outsiders from the start, theirs was a friendship based initially on proximity and a shared love of music. They began playing together in pubs and soon developed their own unique style and approach to songwriting, resulting in timeless songs that sparked a deep sense of identification and empathy in listeners and spawning a new subculture dubbed "Goth" by the press. But there was also a dark side to The Cure's intense and bewildering success. Tolhurst was nursing a growing alcoholism that would destroy his place in The Cure and nearly end his life. Intensely lyrical and evocative, gripping and unforgettable, this is the definitive story of a singular band whose legacy endures many decades hence, told from the point of view of a participant and eyewitness who was there when it happened--and even before it all began.… (meer)
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Tää kirja on ehdottomasti paras kirja jonka olen alan kirjoistalukenut. Suosittelen. ( )
  AceVonS | Jul 14, 2022 |
Reread 01/2021: I listened to the audiobook this time, and I loved Lol's narration of the book. This is an emotional and inspiring book that I recommend to any music and memoir lover. Lol is one of the most inspirational people I've ever talked to.

Cured is one of the best memoirs I've read. Lol talks about the band, his own struggles with addiction and life, and how he overcame each of these things. The book told me more than I'd have ever known about the band, even with them being my favorite, before reading it.

Original Review: The Cure has been my favorite band for over three years now, and I can't imagine what my life would possibly look like if I hadn't discovered them when I did. Their music has helped me through the most difficult times in my life, so when I received this book, I was thrilled. While reading this, I found myself gaining more and more appreciation for everyone included in the band. ( )
  angeljmartin | Mar 10, 2021 |
A quick read and enjoyable if you're a hardcore cute fan, if you're not it probably won't be your cup of tea. It chronicles the start and the "Lol" years of the band solely from Lols perspective. It's interesting to see his evolution and how his alcoholism effected both him and the band. ( )
  SadieRuin | Apr 23, 2017 |
Very calmly told tale of The Cure's drummer about his life and the band's origins. Fanastic book, although the ending lacked a greater summation.
Tolhurst was a blackout-functional alcoholic for much of the band's existence. His drinking ended with him being dismissed by Smith in 1987.
Reading books by musicians I'm amazed at how much lawyers are involved (Bowie, The Smiths, Pat Benatar). Due to contractual arrangements this should have been obvious to me but it seems like everyone sued everyone else or else they had to fire someone for stealing all the band's money. Tolhurst here makes up with Smith and knows that the band had made a lasting impression on rock music history. I never knew who The Cure's drummer was, but his work with catchy opening hooks have been in my mind since I first heard them on the radio. Primary, Close To Me, In Between Days, and Just Like Heaven let the drums kick off the song before the rest of the band joins in. To be honest, I was a bigger fan of The Cure's music and The Smiths' during the 80's. I have come to appreciate The Smiths music more than just the few songs that I enjoyed from radio listening. The Queen is Dead I have to admit is a really good album. I'm not sure that The Cure have one that equals that. There was no competition between the two bands themselves and Smith seems to have wanted to cultivate relationships with as many people as possible during his career.
This book I found quite relaxing to read. Peter Hook's book of Joy Division was more tensely written and stayed that way throughout. Tolhurst lives in West Los Angeles now. He mentions in passing that when The Cure came to Los Angeles there were more females than males in the crowd which was a change from their usual English fan base. I was pleased to learn the order of the band's songs. Their first song that I liked was Boys Don't Cry which was one of the first three songs they recorded but it already carried their trademark minimalistic sound. ( )
  sacredheart25 | Nov 2, 2016 |
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A deeply moving and engaging memoir by Laurence "Lol" Tolhurst, cofounder of Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees The Cure As two of the first punks in a provincial English town, Lol Tolhurst and Robert Smith didn't have it easy. Outsiders from the start, theirs was a friendship based initially on proximity and a shared love of music. They began playing together in pubs and soon developed their own unique style and approach to songwriting, resulting in timeless songs that sparked a deep sense of identification and empathy in listeners and spawning a new subculture dubbed "Goth" by the press. But there was also a dark side to The Cure's intense and bewildering success. Tolhurst was nursing a growing alcoholism that would destroy his place in The Cure and nearly end his life. Intensely lyrical and evocative, gripping and unforgettable, this is the definitive story of a singular band whose legacy endures many decades hence, told from the point of view of a participant and eyewitness who was there when it happened--and even before it all began.

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