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The Broken Sister

door Leanne Davis

Reeksen: Sister Series (6)

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Another emotional powerhouse story in the Sister series. The young sisters we met in The Wrong Sister are now in college and we get to see the outcome of the damage their father did to them.

First up is Kylie McKinley who was the youngest. When her father embezzled and stole money and decided to run out on his family to avoid prison, this broke something in 10 year old Kylie. From that moment on she emotionally shut down and never shared her true feeling with anyone for fear they would leave her like her father did. Now 10 years later her years of using sex as a coping mechanism has her hiding the worse secret yet – her rape.

Kylie only thinks of herself in the negative. No one implanted those negative thoughts in her head but her and after 10 years of playing these over and over she is one messed up insecure woman. She not only struggles with self image and promiscuous problems but she also has a form of anorexia.

Tristan Tamasy is between a rock and hard place. Born to non nurturing parents the only man he respects is his Grandfather – the founder of Tamasy Industries and who Tristan is currently working for as a Manager. When two women accuse his popular college quarterback younger brother of rape his grandfather wants Tristan to neutralize both girls. When we first met Tristan and saw what his grandfather wanted him to do I was unsure how he was going to be the hero in this story. But I should have worried he ended up being the the positive voice of reason to Kylie's negative. But as the story progressed you knew there was going to be some major heartache when all the truths came out and when it came down to it would Tristan choose Kylie over his family.

One thing I really loved was there was some resolution with Micah – the husband and father who caused so much pain for Kylie, her sister Ally, mother Tracy and his best friend at the time Donny who went on to marry their mother. This story was told in The Wrong Sister which I definitely recommend before reading this one. Actually I recommend reading everything this author's ever written!!! ( )
  CindySnS | Oct 26, 2016 |
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