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Star Wars: Secrets of the Galaxy Deluxe Box Set (Star Wars x Chronicle Books)

door Daniel Wallace

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781354,363 (4.67)Geen
The secrets of theStar Wars galaxy have been recorded in a series of handbooks and guides created and kept hidden by the Jedi Order, the Sith, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and the Empire itself. Set in-world, richly illustrated, and annotated by characters such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Boba Fett, Yoda, and Darth Vader, each volume expandsStar Wars mythology with details from the inside and deepens readers' experience of the saga. This deluxe edition boxed set collectsThe Jedi Path,Book of Sith,The Bounty Hunter Code, andImperial Handbook in a handsome and accessible custom slipcase, creating a handy and invaluable library for exploring a galaxy far, far away.… (meer)
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The books in the Secrets of the Galaxy Deluxe Box Set draw upon the various books and comics of the expanded universe, referencing events from both the prequels and the original trilogy. They fulfill the same role that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them did for the Harry Potter series. While it's not necessary to have read any of the expanded universe prior to reading these, it would benefit those who want to get more out of the experience. The volumes all include pages explaining their fictional history and how the came to be in Rebel Alliance possession. Each volume features annotations from relevant characters in the Star Wars universe, which makes them appear like living documents.

The Jedi Path – Presented as a training manual for new Jedi, this volume discusses the precepts of the Jedi Order and the training Jedi undergo. This book is annotated by Yoda, Thame Cerulian, Dooku, Qui-Gon Junn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Darth Sidious, and Luke Skywalker. The illustrations are interesting and those looking to cosplay as Jedi could use the descriptions of gear and lightsaber forms to enhance their costumes.

Book of Sith – An interesting condensed version of the history of the Sith composed of an assortment of different documents, represented by differently cut pages. Various annotations from Luke Skywalker, Emperor Palpatine, Mace Windu, and Yoda add to the materials presented. It also shows the conflicts in understandings of the Force.

The Bounty Hunter Code – This volume, like The Jedi Path, serves as an orientation manual for newcomers to the Bounty Hunters Guild. It draws upon background from the Clone Wars television series. It ends with Ba’jurne Kyr’tsad Mando’ad, a Death Watch manifesto. The volume is annotated by Greedo, Bossk, Dengar, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, and Han Solo.

The Imperial Handbook – The final, and sleekest, of the four volumes also serves as an orientation manual. It guides new recruits to the Empire through the hierarchy and goals of the Emperor, complete with a great deal of Imperial propaganda. The one includes annotations from General Carlist Rieekan, General Crix Madine, Commander Wedge Antilles, Mon Mothma, Princess Leia, and Han Solo. ( )
  DarthDeverell | Aug 18, 2017 |
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The secrets of theStar Wars galaxy have been recorded in a series of handbooks and guides created and kept hidden by the Jedi Order, the Sith, the Bounty Hunters Guild, and the Empire itself. Set in-world, richly illustrated, and annotated by characters such as Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Boba Fett, Yoda, and Darth Vader, each volume expandsStar Wars mythology with details from the inside and deepens readers' experience of the saga. This deluxe edition boxed set collectsThe Jedi Path,Book of Sith,The Bounty Hunter Code, andImperial Handbook in a handsome and accessible custom slipcase, creating a handy and invaluable library for exploring a galaxy far, far away.

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