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Spider-Gwen Vol. 2: Weapon of Choice

door Jason Latour

Reeksen: Spider-Gwen (2)

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1235229,870 (3.65)1
Gwen's life is turned upside down after the Spider-Woman event at the worst time ever as Captain Frank Castle is bearing down on her. Does she stand a chance against Castle's punishment?
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Die beliebteste neue Heldin des Marvel-Universums steht vor dem Aus! Gwen Stacy, die in ihrer Welt zu Spider-Woman wurde, kann sich nicht mehr auf ihre Kräfte verlassen. Außerdem macht der brutale Cop Frank Castle gnadenlos Jagd auf sie und spannt dafür sogar Kraven ein. Ist dies das Ende von Spider- Gwen?
  MAVE74 | Jan 28, 2024 |
Die erfrischenden Abenteuer der Netzschwingerin, deren Debüt einen riesigen Hype auslöste! In einer Parallelwelt ist die junge Gwen Stacy die sensationelle Spider-Woman. Hier wird sie nicht nur von der Polizei und von S.H.I.E.L.D. gejagt, sondern auch von einem rachsüchtigen Osborn. Außerdem fällt der schuppige Schatten der Vergangenheit auf die Heldin im Hoodie ...
  MAVE74 | Jan 28, 2024 |
As Gwen grapples with whether to let go of her spider powers, she must also face down threats to herself, her secret identity, and her Dad.

The twist at the end of this volume is super interesting and I'm fascinated to see where things go for Gwen from here. ( )
  MickyFine | Jun 25, 2019 |
Spider-Gwen, Volume 2: Weapon of Choice collects Spider-Gwen vol. 2, nos. 9-13 written by Jason Latour with art by Robbi Rodriguez and colors by Rico Renzi and Lauren Affe (on issue 10). This story follows the events of the Spider-Women crossover in which the Earth-65 Cindy Moon stole Gwen’s powers. She got the power-up device from Earth-65 Jesse Drew, but can only use it sparingly, which is a problem with Frank Castle coming after her and her father. The action builds to a head in this volume, though it’s primarily set-up and doesn’t really have a conclusion. Latour’s writing continues to entertain and Rodriguez’s art and Renzi’s colors make this one of the best-looking comics around. Great fun for fans of Spider-Gwen! ( )
  DarthDeverell | Feb 10, 2018 |
Previously in Spider Gwen, Cindy-65 mananged to steal away her powers and tried to take an aresenal of weapons from Earth-616. Silk, Spider Woman and Spider Gwen stopped her with the help of Agent Jesse Drew who had been working with Cindy because he believed that she was keeping him alive with a cure. When he found out that he had been cured a long time ago he let them know where to find Cindy and helped bring her down and she is now in the custody of Earth-65's SHIELD. Jesse gave Spider Gwen some isotopes that will give her some spider powers if she injects them into herself. But she only has so many. Spider Woman tries to convince her to give up her life as Spider Gwen and live a normal life, but Gwen doesn't want to.

And in a way she can't. When the Mary Janes take her for a night on the town to try to cheer her up they wind up at the new Dollar Dog. A man decides to stick up the place and Gwen is thinking about using one of her isotopes when Detective Frank Castle walks in and takes care of the guy. He then zeroes in on Gwen and tells her he knows who she really is. Then he tosses her across the room. Gwen injects herself and picks Castle up and tosses him out the window. Now her friends are wondering if she is Spider Gwen.

Gwen heads to her dad's home after saving a pizza delivery guy from being robbed. She tells her father what has happened. He tells her that she is going to need her powers if Frank Castle is gunning for her. And she will. Castle is teamed up with Kraven the Hunter. Kraven used to be a part of Stark's bloodthirsty mercenaries known as WAR MACHINE. While in this capacity he met Frank Castle who was a soldier. A secret blood debt was made between the two men and now that Castle needs Kraven he is here to help him hunt down Spider Gwen. All manner of animals invade Captain Stacey's house. Gwen is unable to inject herself with an isotope. Aunt Mae from next door comes over to help and the three of them manage to fend off the animals. Kraven and Castle show up and Stacey knocks Castle out. Gwen knocks her dad out who is trying to get her to leave and trust the cops to do the right thing when Gwen knows they can't.

Gwen takes them to see Reed Richards to fix her isotope injector and finds out that one is missing. What will Kraven and Castle do with that isotope? Is there anyone Gwen can turn to for help or is she fighting this fight alone? The plot is fantastic and the dark blue and violent red colors go well with the dark storyline. Included is a comic that takes place on Halloween where Gwen and the Mary Janes go trick or treating and wind up at the haunted Carnival. Will the trick be on them? ( )
  nicolewbrown | Apr 7, 2017 |
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Gwen's life is turned upside down after the Spider-Woman event at the worst time ever as Captain Frank Castle is bearing down on her. Does she stand a chance against Castle's punishment?

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3.5 1
4 9
5 4

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