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Paris: The Memoir (2023)

door Paris Hilton

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1956144,463 (3.98)Geen
Biography & Autobiography. New Age. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:

From the woman who is credited for launching what we know as the celebrity focused, "brand" driven, social media obsessed popular culture of today, comes an honest and surprising memoir that reckons with that truth, and shows that there is so much more to Paris Hilton than you might believe.

I was born in New York City on February 17, 1981, three days after Valentine's Day.

From the time I was a toddler, my brain skipped and flickered with the chemical imbalance of ADHD. Sometimes it was too much.

I'm not bragging or complaining about it, just telling you: This is my brain. It has a lot to do with how this whole book thing is going to play out, because I love run-on sentences??and dashes. And sentence fragments. I'm probably going to jump around a lot while I tell the story.

I came of age during the most turbulent pop culture period ever.

The character I played??part Lucy, part Marilyn??was my steel-plated armor.

People loved her. Or they loved to hate her, which was just as marketable. I leaned into that character, my ticket to financial freedom and a safe place to hide. I made sure I never had a quiet moment to figure out who I was without her. I was afraid of that moment because I didn't know what I'd find.

I wrote this book in an effort to understand my place in a watershed moment: the technology renaissance, the age of influencers. I also wrote this book so that the world could know who I am today. I focused on key aspects of my life that led to what I am most proud of??how my power was taken away from me and how I took it back, how I built a thriving business, a marriage and a family.

There are so many young women who need to hear this story. I don't want them to learn from my mistakes; I want them to stop hating themselves for their own mistakes. I want them to laugh and cry and embrace every aspect of who they are with fearlessness and pride. We all have our own brand of intelligence, and, girl, fuck fitt… (meer)

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1-5 van 6 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
After reading Paris' memoir, I have a whole new respect for her. All the trauma she endured as a teen is more than anyone should have to endure. Not only the trauma, but living with a disability is hard for teens. Suffering for many years with PTSD and her disability made her life hard, but she persevered and made her life hers. Even though she came from a wealthy family, she is a self-made woman with an extraordinary business sense. A workaholic like her grandfather and great grandfather made her a wealthy woman on her own. I was happy to see the joy that she was able to feel with her career and family. I was also very impressed by her activism against the troubled teen industry, and her work with Congress. I was glad I read the book to see the other side of Paris Hilton. The only reason I didn't give it a 5 was because grammar is not her forte. ( )
  tami317 | May 6, 2024 |
I always give memoirs 5/5 but I particularly liked Ms. Hilton telling me her story in her own words.
She’s not the somewhat ditzy character she portrays. Although a party girl and lover of after hours shenanigans, her ADHD is sort of to blame. The extremes her parents went to in order to straighten her out, although thought to be helpful was rather cultish and nothing short of child abuse.
Without even a high school diploma, she’s equipped with a business mind and knows how best to sell her brand.
Highly Recommend ( )
  Carmenere | Jan 24, 2024 |
3.5 Stars. Some of it I just didn't care for, think that's me thing. ( )
  sarah_mcd | Oct 9, 2023 |
I can't say that I'm a fan of Paris Hilton. However, when I went to a local library for a meeting on current bestsellers, this memoir was one that was mentioned. I was intrigued. The most I knew about Paris is that she's a party girl. What I didn't know was what she went through during her teen years. She is more than just a party girl. That's the mask she wears. Her ADHD keeps her active. Something she owns. She was born into fame and has more privileges than most. Most hate her for that and yet, money talks in which her family was taken advantage of. It takes a strong person to survive what she survived and face it head on. I applaud her. She didn't allow what happened to her tear her down, she rose from the fire like a phoenix stronger. She has insightful messages that all women should devour and embrace. ( )
  mcryder0 | Jul 26, 2023 |
Rating: 3 Stars

Best for:
Anyone who paid any attention to Paris Hilton in the early 2000s. My guess is you probably don’t know the whole story.

In a nutshell:
Paris Hilton - known as a party girl who lived it up with Britney Spears and Lindsay Lohan - shares her story.

Worth quoting:
“Terrible things can go fuck themselves.”

Why I chose it:
It’s a celebrity memoir written by a woman. Like, obviously I’m going to read it.

What it left me feeling:

Well that was unexpected.

Paris Hilton and I are basically the same age, and so while I didn’t follow her life (never watched her TV shows or listened to her music), I lived in the world and was aware of pop culture enough to be familiar with her story. Or so I thought. I’m certain that the less kinder me of my 20s probably cracked a joke or two about her intelligence or her style. It’s wild to think how that was just how people made money; paparazzi photos, gossip websites following, reporting on, and ultimately making as much fun of famous young women as possible. We’ve recently seen people acknowledge it when it comes to Britney Spears.

Hilton comes across as someone who is sweet and who just didn’t quite fit into how society wants people to live their lives. Obviously she is super rich and comes from a wildly famous and successful family — and she never pretends that isn’t the case. But the book talks about how her undiagnosed ADHD made so much of her childhood difficult, and how she had things she wanted to do that conflicted with what her parents wanted for her. Of course, she was very young when these conflicts arose, so its understandable that her parents were distraught at their inability to keep their daughter safe, as Paris was constantly sneaking out.

But what her parents did next is what many parents who believe they are at their wits end do: they sent her away to the equivalent of reform school. I’d heard of such places before, where they come and literally kidnap children in the middle of the night. It’s criminal, frankly, and while I cannot claim to understand what it is like to be the parent of a teen who is in need of help the parents can’t give, paying someone to tear their child (especially a teenage girl, given the fears of sexual assault so many live with) from their bed in the middle of the night by masked men is just unfathomable to me.

About 1/3 or more of the book focuses on Paris’s year at this horrible reform boarding school. The treatment she underwent - and that children are still undergoing now - is so vile, heartless, and deeply fucked up. Beatings, sexual assaults. Staff lying to her parents about what really was going on at the school. Staff forcing their captives to turn on each other, hurling venom and cruelty at them nightly. I just … I can’t imagine how people survive that, and she did, and that trauma has impacted her entire adult life. I appreciate her sharing it with the readers, and I think it’s wonderful that she is advocating for legislation to shut down these schools and better regulate others.

Paris also talks about her life as a party and it girl of course, and at times uses language I find jarring to hear. Referring to one’s self as an icon and girl boss unironically isn’t really something I’m supportive of, but she embraces that part of herself. She also has no qualms kindly calling out those who profited from her challenging times. Like, famous people who made jokes or wrote songs about the sex tape that she most definitely did not want released, and that was recorded when she was a teenager.

She also acknowledges her own faults and role she played in things. She apologizes for transgressions in her youth, including a culturally inappropriate Halloween costume. At times it feels like she’s not entirely taking full responsibility for her actions - her DUI from ‘one margarita’ comes to mind - but even there she isn’t flippant and seems to be offering explanations as opposed to excuses.

I absolutely cannot relate to Hilton in most aspects of her life. She is someone who is pushing NFTs and cypto hard, and I find that concerning. When she speaks of her business and work in ‘the metaverse’ I definitely find it off-putting, especially as the language choices sound a bit like a parody of what a Harvard MBA would say to try to impress someone on a date. It’s a world I both don’t understand and don’t think is a net positive, especially as I don’t think people should be allowed to acquire hundreds of millions of dollars of wealth.

There are so many stories out there, and I’m sure many people think it odd to spend my time listening to this one, but I also think its a great example of how what we read online and what is shared with us about anyone — famous or not — is likely nothing close to the full story.

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  ASKelmore | Apr 11, 2023 |
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People told me it was stupid to go skydiving the morning after my twenty-first-birthday party in Las Vegas, but back then, I didn't care, and now I know they were wrong.
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Biography & Autobiography. New Age. Performing Arts. Nonfiction. HTML:

From the woman who is credited for launching what we know as the celebrity focused, "brand" driven, social media obsessed popular culture of today, comes an honest and surprising memoir that reckons with that truth, and shows that there is so much more to Paris Hilton than you might believe.

I was born in New York City on February 17, 1981, three days after Valentine's Day.

From the time I was a toddler, my brain skipped and flickered with the chemical imbalance of ADHD. Sometimes it was too much.

I'm not bragging or complaining about it, just telling you: This is my brain. It has a lot to do with how this whole book thing is going to play out, because I love run-on sentences??and dashes. And sentence fragments. I'm probably going to jump around a lot while I tell the story.

I came of age during the most turbulent pop culture period ever.

The character I played??part Lucy, part Marilyn??was my steel-plated armor.

People loved her. Or they loved to hate her, which was just as marketable. I leaned into that character, my ticket to financial freedom and a safe place to hide. I made sure I never had a quiet moment to figure out who I was without her. I was afraid of that moment because I didn't know what I'd find.

I wrote this book in an effort to understand my place in a watershed moment: the technology renaissance, the age of influencers. I also wrote this book so that the world could know who I am today. I focused on key aspects of my life that led to what I am most proud of??how my power was taken away from me and how I took it back, how I built a thriving business, a marriage and a family.

There are so many young women who need to hear this story. I don't want them to learn from my mistakes; I want them to stop hating themselves for their own mistakes. I want them to laugh and cry and embrace every aspect of who they are with fearlessness and pride. We all have our own brand of intelligence, and, girl, fuck fitt

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