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door Kelly Oliver

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Reeksen: Jessica James Mystery Series (3)

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GENES TO DIE FOR--AND SOMEONE DOES... When Jessica James wakes up half naked behind a dumpster in downtown Chicago, she thinks at first the hot intern feeding her Fiery Mule Slammers slipped her a Mickey. But after a pattern of similar incidents around Northwestern Research Hospital, Jessica realizes she wasn't raped, she was robbed. Robbed of something as valuable as life itself. Hunting for the predator drugging and dumping Ivy League co-eds, Jessica discovers secrets about her own identity that force her to rethink her past. The solution to the mystery lies in the cowgirl philosopher's boot-cut genes. The "dumpster girls" are all top of their class, attractive college girls, who are drugged and dropped unconscious behind dumpsters. The police are baffled. But the perp doesn't stop there--one of his victims turns up dead. Armed with her quick wit and cowgirl grit, Jessica takes it on herself to solve the bewildering medical mystery and save herself and her friends... before they become the next grisly victims. At Jesse's beck and call is her longtime confidante Jack Grove, an easy-going stoner and brilliant third-year medical student in abnormal psychiatry, who has a secret crush on her. But while Jack is trying to understand the criminal mind, his classmate and rival, Max White, is trying to eliminate it through genetic engineering. Competing for Jessica's attention, Jack and Max become the primary suspects. Meanwhile, Max has a secret of his own: he's aiding a prominent Chicago woman in her fertility woes. And just for good measure, there's a blackmailer afoot. Grittier than its predecessors, and far more haunting, Kelly Oliver's third page-turning Jessica James adventure blends a smartly-funny and delightfully complex murder mystery with a touch of medical thriller, in which Jessica and Jack battle biological crimes at the hands of a unique--and menacing--thief.… (meer)
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"Fox" is labeled as A Jessica james Mystery number 3. After reading this; anxious to pick up "Wolf" and "Coyote" the previous Jessica James installments. Interest catching start finds Jessica freezing and left for dead beside a dumpster in Chicago. Plot revolves around Grad Medical students and exploration of reproductive technology and genetic engineering. Kelly Oliver reveals her talent with the development of vivid, spellbinding, and fresh characters traveling for survival and sleuthing solutions. Minor question unresolved at the end concerning fate of Jessica's best friend Jack. Action packed pages filled with a bit of romance, funny happening, kick-ass females, and plenty of who did it. This work stands alone nicely. "A copy of this book was provided to me by JKS Communications and author via Netgalley with no rquirements for a review. I voluntarily read and my comments here are my honest opinion" ( )
  marandajo | May 1, 2017 |
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Kelly Oliverprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Eastridge, TamaraVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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GENES TO DIE FOR--AND SOMEONE DOES... When Jessica James wakes up half naked behind a dumpster in downtown Chicago, she thinks at first the hot intern feeding her Fiery Mule Slammers slipped her a Mickey. But after a pattern of similar incidents around Northwestern Research Hospital, Jessica realizes she wasn't raped, she was robbed. Robbed of something as valuable as life itself. Hunting for the predator drugging and dumping Ivy League co-eds, Jessica discovers secrets about her own identity that force her to rethink her past. The solution to the mystery lies in the cowgirl philosopher's boot-cut genes. The "dumpster girls" are all top of their class, attractive college girls, who are drugged and dropped unconscious behind dumpsters. The police are baffled. But the perp doesn't stop there--one of his victims turns up dead. Armed with her quick wit and cowgirl grit, Jessica takes it on herself to solve the bewildering medical mystery and save herself and her friends... before they become the next grisly victims. At Jesse's beck and call is her longtime confidante Jack Grove, an easy-going stoner and brilliant third-year medical student in abnormal psychiatry, who has a secret crush on her. But while Jack is trying to understand the criminal mind, his classmate and rival, Max White, is trying to eliminate it through genetic engineering. Competing for Jessica's attention, Jack and Max become the primary suspects. Meanwhile, Max has a secret of his own: he's aiding a prominent Chicago woman in her fertility woes. And just for good measure, there's a blackmailer afoot. Grittier than its predecessors, and far more haunting, Kelly Oliver's third page-turning Jessica James adventure blends a smartly-funny and delightfully complex murder mystery with a touch of medical thriller, in which Jessica and Jack battle biological crimes at the hands of a unique--and menacing--thief.

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