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Holy Crap! the World Is Ending!: How a Trip to the Bookstore Led to Sex with an Alien and the Destruction of Earth (Anunnaki Chronicles)

door Anna-Marie Abell

Reeksen: The Anunnaki Chronicles (Book One)

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2510945,914 (3.65)Geen
End times are here! Now you can eat whatever you want and not care if you gain weight. Autumn, a food and wine obsessed ad executive (who for the purpose of this retelling asked to be portrayed as drool-inducing hot with kick-ass ninja skills), has just been handed the task of saving all of humanity. Here's the deal. The president has just announced that the Earth is going to collide with a rogue moon, and in the process, our entire planet is going to be smashed to bits. As one would expect, upon hearing this news, humans went ballistic. No car was left unrolled-but oddly enough, Taco Bell remained open and made unfathomable profits in the last days. Apparently, Doritos Locos® Tacos were a popular last meal. After drinking a bottle of wine and inhaling a wheel of Brie cheese, Autumn hijacks a spaceship and races to save her fellow humans with the help of her unbelievably sexy alien boyfriend and her kleptomaniac friend with fire-retardant hair. The task is simple enough, just loot the Ark of the Covenant from a secret government bunker under a department store in Arkansas and use it to convince the entire human race to come together in one giant group hug. No problem, right? Along the way, Autumn will discover just how sheltered people are from the truth of extraterrestrials and their power to either protect us or destroy us. Stupid government. Grab a bottle of wine, a spaceship full of snacks, and prepare to take a ride on this humorous chick lit romantic sci-fi paranormal adventure. If you crave a little sexy time in your reading, are into Ancient Aliens, conspiracy theories, UFOs, are curious if we were genetically engineered (like the Sumerian cuneiform texts claim), and are dying to find out the meaning of life, then this book is for you.… (meer)
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1-5 van 10 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
You lost me at light beings ( )
  Litrvixen | Jun 23, 2022 |
Not my usual read but I gained a copy from The author for an honest review.

I’d never have thought you could mix Zachariah Stitchen’s theories with a hot & heavy romance & a comedy for geeks....and yet this book delivers all that in a fun & fast-paced story. I’ll be checking out more by this author simply from how much this book made me smile & snicker. ( )
  SESchend | Nov 2, 2021 |
Sci-Fi Romance Humour? Yes, please!

I really liked this book. It's the story of two people meeting in a book store and falling for each other. Unfortunately his people are not quite pleased with this.
Plus, the world is ending, literally, and someone must save humankind, somehow.

I liked the banter, I liked the references to pop culture, ancient cultures, and the true information provided in this original story. What I did not like was long dialogues in which information was presented to the main characters instead of the MCs finding this information out themselves.

Review is based on a NetGalley ARC provided by the publishers. ( )
  JulesGDSide | Nov 29, 2018 |
Sci-Fi Romance Humour? Yes, please!

I really liked this book. It's the story of two people meeting in a book store and falling for each other. Unfortunately his people are not quite pleased with this.
Plus, the world is ending, literally, and someone must save humankind, somehow.

I liked the banter, I liked the references to pop culture, ancient cultures, and the true information provided in this original story. What I did not like was long dialogues in which information was presented to the main characters instead of the MCs finding this information out themselves.

Review is based on a NetGalley ARC provided by the publishers. ( )
  JulesGDSide | Nov 29, 2018 |
Once again I wish Goodreads and all other platforms that awards stars had the half star. I would give this 2.5 stars

The title and cover drew me to this book. It gave me the impression that it will be somthing similar to [a:Gail Koger|1598719|Gail Koger|] and [a:S.E. Smith|6446003|S.E. Smith|].

I have to admit that, for me, it did not make the cut. It had laugh out loud moments, the premise is actually very good, the characters outrageous and the dialougue quite sharp. It just did not come together for me. I did not feel any connection to the characters and the story line.

It is quite sad, because this book has a lot of potential. I feel with some editing, cutting out of some history lessons, and so forth it would be very good. It dragged a bit too much.

Without giving too much away I want to gripe about the ending. One of my major pet peeves.... the dreaded cliff hanger. Seriously?

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with the opportunity to read and review this book. ( )
  Emmie217 | Jun 27, 2018 |
1-5 van 10 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
“An unexpected story that promises to be one of the most creative fictional discoveries of the year…a fun approach to the entire save-the-Earth-from-alien-invasion scenario which successfully turns traditional approaches upside down.”

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This book would never have happened if not for the inspiration of two people... Zecharia Sitchin, the late great overlord of the ancient astronaut theory. Your research led me down a rabbit hole of discovery, and because of it. I will be forever changed, both on an intellectual and spiritual level. My friend Pam, who excitedly told me about a "super tall hot guy" she saw reading UFO books at Barnes & Noble. And so the story was born.
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End times are here! Now you can eat whatever you want and not care if you gain weight. Autumn, a food and wine obsessed ad executive (who for the purpose of this retelling asked to be portrayed as drool-inducing hot with kick-ass ninja skills), has just been handed the task of saving all of humanity. Here's the deal. The president has just announced that the Earth is going to collide with a rogue moon, and in the process, our entire planet is going to be smashed to bits. As one would expect, upon hearing this news, humans went ballistic. No car was left unrolled-but oddly enough, Taco Bell remained open and made unfathomable profits in the last days. Apparently, Doritos Locos® Tacos were a popular last meal. After drinking a bottle of wine and inhaling a wheel of Brie cheese, Autumn hijacks a spaceship and races to save her fellow humans with the help of her unbelievably sexy alien boyfriend and her kleptomaniac friend with fire-retardant hair. The task is simple enough, just loot the Ark of the Covenant from a secret government bunker under a department store in Arkansas and use it to convince the entire human race to come together in one giant group hug. No problem, right? Along the way, Autumn will discover just how sheltered people are from the truth of extraterrestrials and their power to either protect us or destroy us. Stupid government. Grab a bottle of wine, a spaceship full of snacks, and prepare to take a ride on this humorous chick lit romantic sci-fi paranormal adventure. If you crave a little sexy time in your reading, are into Ancient Aliens, conspiracy theories, UFOs, are curious if we were genetically engineered (like the Sumerian cuneiform texts claim), and are dying to find out the meaning of life, then this book is for you.

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Anna-Marie Abell is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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