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All That She Can See

door Carrie Hope Fletcher

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1152245,384 (3.18)1
Cherry has a hidden talent. She can see things other people can't, and she decided a long time ago to use this skill to help others. As far as the rest of the town is concerned, she's simply the kind-hearted young woman who runs the local bakery - but in private she uses her gift to add something special to her cakes so that after just one mouthful, the townspeople start to feel better about their lives. They don't know why they're drawn to Cherry's bakery - they just know that they're safe there, and that's how Cherry likes it. And then Chase turns up and threatens to undo all the good she has done. Because it turns out Cherry is not the only one who can see what she sees...… (meer)
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I first read Carrie Hope Fletcher's books because I love here as a West End actress. While her books are not overly deep I do find them to be quite enjoyable as a light summer or Sunday afternoon read. They are really the perfect vacation novels. ( )
  KateKat11 | Sep 24, 2021 |
Cherry can see people's bad emotions and in her baking can alleviate them, sometimes this is successful, sometimes not so successful. She has set up bakeries in a few places and once the place has improved she has moved on. Now she's in Plymouth and things are about to get more complicated. One of the people living there with her can see good emotions and knows that too much of a good thing could be harmful. As if that wasn't enough conflict; a secret agency meets the two and declares that they have to give up their abilities for the good of everyone. But their motives appear somewhat cloudy and things take several turns.

It's a bit of a muddle and I wasn't quite sure where things were going a lot of the time. I felt like there were several good stories that could be fleshed out better in this single story and somehow I wasn't feeling it. ( )
  wyvernfriend | May 28, 2019 |
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Cherry has a hidden talent. She can see things other people can't, and she decided a long time ago to use this skill to help others. As far as the rest of the town is concerned, she's simply the kind-hearted young woman who runs the local bakery - but in private she uses her gift to add something special to her cakes so that after just one mouthful, the townspeople start to feel better about their lives. They don't know why they're drawn to Cherry's bakery - they just know that they're safe there, and that's how Cherry likes it. And then Chase turns up and threatens to undo all the good she has done. Because it turns out Cherry is not the only one who can see what she sees...

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