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The Adulterants

door Joe Dunthorne

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655418,308 (3.6)1
Ray Morris is a tech journalist with a forgettable face, a tiresome manner, a small but dedicated group of friends, and a wife, Garthene, who is pregnant. He is a man who has never been punched above the neck. He has never committed adultery with his actual body. He has never been caught up in a riot, nor arrested, nor tagged by the state, nor become an international hate-figure. Not until the summer of 2011, when discontent is rising on the streets and within his marriage.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
This is a quick read and I wavered between 3.5 and 4 stars. The voice of the protagonist is authentic and I have a liking for desperate hopeless characters . I also like first person narrative. Ray is a loser but you want him to win. Ultimately he probably fails, which is inevitable. Some great scenes and lines which had me laughing out loud. The middle section of the book (London riots) didn’t hold my interest but improved when things returned to the relationship dramas. ( )
  mediapuzzle | Jan 6, 2023 |
A comic story, but with bitter undertones, Dunthorne’s tale charts the struggle of Ray as he tries to buy a property together with his wife Garthene in East London. Dunthorne captures Ray’s precarious position, his employment as a n internet journalist uncertain, which makes their mortgage prospects more difficult and fuels his growing resentment as his friends escape renting and also his parents who live a comfortable life in Suffolk. The fates seem to conspire against Ray as he gets caught up in a riot near their home and his attempts to deal lightly with events only put him in a more difficult situation. Dunthorne deftly paints Ray’s increasingly desperate responses to events around him and in an engaging novel, raises some sympathy for him, despite his ineptitude, sometimes adolescent behaviour and his lack of awareness of Garthene’s needs.
  camharlow2 | Aug 17, 2020 |
Following the life of the hapless millennial Ray as his life falls apart, but he's determined to keep positive. Often really funny, but touching too. Read my full review on my blog Bookpost - ( )
  gaskella | Mar 4, 2019 |
This book does not give much insight into the human condition, but damn is it funny. Recommended. ( )
  librarianarpita | Jan 15, 2018 |
Toon 4 van 4
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Ray Morris is a tech journalist with a forgettable face, a tiresome manner, a small but dedicated group of friends, and a wife, Garthene, who is pregnant. He is a man who has never been punched above the neck. He has never committed adultery with his actual body. He has never been caught up in a riot, nor arrested, nor tagged by the state, nor become an international hate-figure. Not until the summer of 2011, when discontent is rising on the streets and within his marriage.

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Gemiddelde: (3.6)
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3.5 1
4 3
4.5 1
5 1

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