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Stinky Cecil in Mudslide Mayhem!

door Paige Braddock

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1441,482,130 (3.6)3
"It's springtime at Cecil's Pond and everything is coming alive: the flowers, grasses, insects, and butterflies. The marsh around the pond is all in bloom. Poor Nesbit (the chameleon) is overwhelmed by it all. He sees all the change as unsettling chaos! Nesbit grew up in a pet store before moving to the pond. He has no idea what it's like to live in the wild or where he fits in the chain of life. Cecil and his pond pals will have to help Nesbit along on his journey of self-discovery. Join Cecil and his friends as they celebrate all the diversity of life in the pond and the marsh that surrounds it. Sometimes, mayhem is good!" --… (meer)
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Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. ( )
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Stinky Cecil is in a bad place! The river bank is flooding and destroying houses! Cecil and friends g on a (minor) quest to find out why the river is overflowing it's banks and save the day.

This graphic novel was well enjoyed by my daughter and son. They really enjoyed the illustrations and learned a lot about diversity.and how different lifestyles can accommodate each other. ( )
  Toast.x2 | Sep 23, 2021 |
Cecil the toad, Nesbit the chameleon, Jeff the hamster and Jeremy the earthworm are in for an adventure. When it rains for a long period of time, the pond begins to rise. When the rain stops, the pond continues to rise and the animals are losing their home due to the high pond. They set off to investigate what the problem is. It turns out that a pair of beavers have moved in and created a damn. This is a great way to teach about beavers and their homes. The side story has Nesbit learning about butterflies and their stages of life. When Evelyn the caterpillar's chrysalis is in danger of being destroyed by the rushing water, Nesbit climbs the tree and breaks off the branch she is hanging on and takes her back to the pond habitat. A delightful adventure written in graphic novel form with wonderful illustrations. The back of the book contains information about beavers and the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly. A good story that would be enjoyed by both young children and middle graders. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book via Netgalley. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
Nesbitt the chamelon joins the gang after a life in captivity...and he has lots to learn abut living in the wild. Meanwhile, beavers have moved in next door and their dams are causing all kinds of mayhem.
  carebrarian | Sep 8, 2018 |
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"It's springtime at Cecil's Pond and everything is coming alive: the flowers, grasses, insects, and butterflies. The marsh around the pond is all in bloom. Poor Nesbit (the chameleon) is overwhelmed by it all. He sees all the change as unsettling chaos! Nesbit grew up in a pet store before moving to the pond. He has no idea what it's like to live in the wild or where he fits in the chain of life. Cecil and his pond pals will have to help Nesbit along on his journey of self-discovery. Join Cecil and his friends as they celebrate all the diversity of life in the pond and the marsh that surrounds it. Sometimes, mayhem is good!" --

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