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True Crime 2017: Homicide & True Crime Stories of 2017 (Annual True Crime Anthology)

door Jack Rosewood, Rebecca Lo (Auteur)

Reeksen: Annual True Crime Anthology (book 2)

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Every year, we look back in horror at the sheer evil mankind is capable of, and 2017 was no different. Across the world, but particularly in the United States, startlingly horrific crimes have almost become commonplace, causing us to double-lock our doors at night and look over our shoulders, wondering if we're safe, no matter how crowded or well-lit our location is. In this true crime release, we've compiled some of the most gripping and gruesome crime stories of 2017. Some of the horrible stories you will read about includes: A Florida serial killer stalked a close-knit suburb of Tampa, killing Seminole Heights residents seemingly at random. A member of a neo-Nazi organization used his vehicle to kill a protestor in Charlottesville, Virginia, more than 50 years after the world defeated Hitler's racist rise to power. A couple was sentenced to death for brutalizing a 10-year-old girl for years, beating her, depriving her of food, forcing her to walk on the hot pavement of a sizzling summer in Arizona, only to let her die in an airtight box overnight, her punishment for eating a Popsicle without asking after sweltering in 115-degree heat. Two young girls were smart enough to record pictures and audio of a man suspected in their deaths, evidence that will hopefully soon solve their murders. A blood-soaked man carried his mother's decapitated head into a grocery store, attacking a clerk and stabbing him as well before being apprehended from police. The UK was rocked by terrorist bombings that turned joyous moments deadly in an instant. The death of Charles Manson gave us an opportunity to look back at the bloody mayhem inspired by a murderous man with a messiah complex.… (meer)
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This book is Jack Rosewood's annual book of crimes for the year. Some of the "big" ones, so to speak. High profile generally. It is a good summary of what happened this year. It was very well researched and the writing is top notch, as usual. I have never been disappointed in a Jack Rosewood book, and this is no exception. One of the best, really. He goes month by month through the crime events that happened. The Ricky Gray execution, the Delphi, IN teen girls murders, Karen Elaine Smith murder-suicide, Racists crimes, terrorism, domestic violence murders and even a serial killer. They are all here! And covered so well. I recommend this book for all crime buffs and historians. ( )
  BonnieKernene | Dec 26, 2017 |
Deze bespreking was geschreven voorLibraryThing lid Weggevers.
With all the news which occurs on a daily basis, sometimes certain news items are relegated to the “back” pages of a newspaper. This year in particular has been where certain news items dominated the pages for weeks if not days: we’ve had two major hurricanes havocking widespread destruction in its path, we’ve had about ISIS and it has done; and of course, with only a political observation of some people we’ve had Donald Trump’s time of triumphalism so far as President.

One type of news which might have been missed by many of us has been those items which dealt with true crimes and those who have been guilty of committing them.

In this anthology, the author, Jack Rosewood shows his readers that 2017 has been just like the years preceding it, a year in which we’ve witness the sheer evil we’re capable of doing to innocent victims.

As a child of the 1950’s, during the summer, I can remember my mother, along with her neighbors, keeping the front door ajar; and with the windows opened everyone kept relatively cool, without any air conditioning, with just the breeze caused by doing this. But with crimes like those described in this book, and crimes in general, we’re now forced to double-lock or even triple-lock our doors double day/night to feel safe.

Back in those days, a woman could take a chaise beach chair, go up to the roof alone with her transistor radio to sun herself. But, these days we’ve got no certainty regarding our safety, whether or not we’re on a crowded, and whether or not the area we’re in is well lit; crime is all around us all the time.

This everyday event is not only widespread here in the US, in occurs around the world. For having given his readers some of the most undeniably fascinating and macabre crime stories of the past year, I’m giving Mr. Rosewood 5 STARS for another well-written book regarding this at times gruesome topic of true crimes. ( )
  MyPenNameOnly | Dec 10, 2017 |
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Jack Rosewoodprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Lo, RebeccaAuteurprimaire auteuralle editiesbevestigd

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Every year, we look back in horror at the sheer evil mankind is capable of, and 2017 was no different. Across the world, but particularly in the United States, startlingly horrific crimes have almost become commonplace, causing us to double-lock our doors at night and look over our shoulders, wondering if we're safe, no matter how crowded or well-lit our location is. In this true crime release, we've compiled some of the most gripping and gruesome crime stories of 2017. Some of the horrible stories you will read about includes: A Florida serial killer stalked a close-knit suburb of Tampa, killing Seminole Heights residents seemingly at random. A member of a neo-Nazi organization used his vehicle to kill a protestor in Charlottesville, Virginia, more than 50 years after the world defeated Hitler's racist rise to power. A couple was sentenced to death for brutalizing a 10-year-old girl for years, beating her, depriving her of food, forcing her to walk on the hot pavement of a sizzling summer in Arizona, only to let her die in an airtight box overnight, her punishment for eating a Popsicle without asking after sweltering in 115-degree heat. Two young girls were smart enough to record pictures and audio of a man suspected in their deaths, evidence that will hopefully soon solve their murders. A blood-soaked man carried his mother's decapitated head into a grocery store, attacking a clerk and stabbing him as well before being apprehended from police. The UK was rocked by terrorist bombings that turned joyous moments deadly in an instant. The death of Charles Manson gave us an opportunity to look back at the bloody mayhem inspired by a murderous man with a messiah complex.

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