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De weg naar jezelf de kunst ten volle mens te zijn

door Leo F. Buscaglia

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316385,878 (3.94)Geen
In his warm, inviting, and inclusive, style, bestselling author Leo Buscaglia manages to bring a vision of the world together within his warm embrace. Sharing the stories of his travels and his encounters with people all over the world, Buscaglia reminds us that we are all people who have the potential to share ourselves with ourselves as well as others. A lover of life and people, Buscaglia's insight into our hearts and souls, his reassurance as to our essential good natures, is a much-needed reminder of our connectedness to one and all.… (meer)
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I didn't get much out of this at all. It seemed the author was talking lots of psychological goobledly- gook ( )
  Stacy_Krout | Aug 17, 2020 |
Buscaglia dedicates this little book to "those who are eager to encounter themselves before their death". The author looks for what gives live its special meaning -- apparently convicted with the feeling that our only hope is "continual striving for actualization". Clearly helpful for those who have turned to the challenges of Personhood.
  keylawk | Jan 1, 2019 |
  MicheleLibrary1 | Mar 17, 2023 |
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In his warm, inviting, and inclusive, style, bestselling author Leo Buscaglia manages to bring a vision of the world together within his warm embrace. Sharing the stories of his travels and his encounters with people all over the world, Buscaglia reminds us that we are all people who have the potential to share ourselves with ourselves as well as others. A lover of life and people, Buscaglia's insight into our hearts and souls, his reassurance as to our essential good natures, is a much-needed reminder of our connectedness to one and all.

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Gemiddelde: (3.94)
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4 8
5 5

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