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Jack the Puppy

door Jane Burton

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543493,961 (3.5)Geen
Text and photographs present Jack the puppy's first year of life as he plays with his nine brothers and sisters and grows larger.
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  lcslibrarian | Aug 13, 2020 |
I loved this story growing up, and I still enjoy it. It is filled with information that a child can understand. I also really like the fact that the pictures in this story are actual pictures of Jack as he grows up with his brothers and sisters.
  Jennifer.Russell | Sep 17, 2019 |
This book takes the young reader, with excellent photos and text, from the birth of a puppy through its first year. The dam is sable-and-white Honey, who has a litter of ten pups, three tri-colored and the rest sable-and-white. The sire is not mentioned, but the granddam appears, and she is black-and-white. The pups are shown being born, nursing, their eyes just opening, and so on, as they grow into beautiful young dogs. Jack is the pup that obviously was kept, and at the end of the book, when he is a year old, he is shown interacting with another of his dam's litters, this time including pups of sable-and-white, tri-color, fawn-and-white, and red-and-white. Obviously some interesting color genetics going on in this Border Collie family. This book is the children's version of the first book on this subject by this author, A Dog's Life--A Year in the Life of a Dog Family (above). ( )
  shepdog | Jan 15, 2009 |
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Text and photographs present Jack the puppy's first year of life as he plays with his nine brothers and sisters and grows larger.

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Gemiddelde: (3.5)
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