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door K Webster

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302815,775 (4.33)Geen
From USA Today Bestselling Author K Webster, comes a taboo standalone, Hale. He's my everything. I would die without him. Because he infects me. My brother. He's inside my mind. My thoughts are black and bruised. Twisted and wrong. A secret that eats me alive, but one I'll take to my grave. And then it happens. He sees inside me. Understands the darkness. Loves what he finds. I'm contagious. It's true. Now, he's sick too.… (meer)
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Toon 2 van 2
I gave this four stars, not because, I particularly liked the story content but, because, I was able to connect to the story, and bond with the characters.
Now, I have no issues with adopted, or step siblings dating... there is absolutely nothing wrong with that, in my eyes... this story however, really pushes my moral compass.
On one hand... I am... ew.. but, on the other hand, after what happened to them, and everything that the characters are suffering, in general, I suppose, given the right circumstances (and they are present in this story), I suppose I can see how this COULD happen... does that make sense?
Anyway... this was a well written book, and you could tell "someone" proof read it, which I appreciate, insanely... lol.
I was able to connect to the story, which in the end... is what makes a good author.
So... would I recommend this to my friends... well, there are a handful of them that I am sure would enjoy this story... we will start with them, and go from there!
Happy Reading! ( )
  Morgie99 | Jul 7, 2023 |
Wow! I mean... Just wow. Amazing. K Webster has done it again and has just left me stunned. Every single time I think that she can't top herself, she writes something new and damn, she fucking topped herself.

K writes taboo so well, so well. And the way that she does it is so organic. She's not trying to titillate with whatever the taboo is as much as make it a living and integral part of the story, one that you can't separate from the story without doing damage to the story. That's what she's done here with Hudson and Rylie.

At its heart, this book is all about love and belonging. K shows what a deep and abiding love and connection between two people can turn into and how it can be so overwhelming and beautiful and right and wrong and so many things all at once. It's hard to do that, and it's something that K does so well.

Another thing that she does so well is to handle the mental health of her characters. Rylie is mentally ill. K doesn't use that mock Rylie or to make her lesser than. She also doesn't make it all that Rylie is. It's just an aspect of Rylie and it works so well. I identify with Rylie so much and have had to deal with that darkness that takes over my brain. It was like looking in a mirror and seeing a reflection back in a perfect and fascinating way. Just amazing. ( )
  tetisheri | Aug 15, 2020 |
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From USA Today Bestselling Author K Webster, comes a taboo standalone, Hale. He's my everything. I would die without him. Because he infects me. My brother. He's inside my mind. My thoughts are black and bruised. Twisted and wrong. A secret that eats me alive, but one I'll take to my grave. And then it happens. He sees inside me. Understands the darkness. Loves what he finds. I'm contagious. It's true. Now, he's sick too.

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Gemiddelde: (4.33)
2 1
4 1
5 4

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