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The Deal of a Lifetime and Other Stories

door Fredrik Backman

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502528,538 (3.77)Geen
From the New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove and Beartown comes a collection of three deeply moving stories about facing life's greatest struggles. Beloved author Fredrik Backman is back with a mesmerizing array of stories about discovering and treasuring what is truly important in life. The Deal of a Lifetime is a profound and moving novella set on Christmas Eve. It tells the story of the intertwining destinies of a man who has built a global business empire but lost his family in the process and a courageous little girl fighting for her life, and it asks the question: if you had the chance to change your legacy, would you take it? In the touching novella And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer, an elderly man sits on a bench with his son and grandson, reminiscing and telling jokes. As he recalls his most precious memories and faces his regrets, the man discovers there is one last thing he must do: help his family learn to say goodbye without fear. Finally, "Sebastian and the Troll" is Fredrik Backman's newest work--an eloquent short story about a young boy struggling with depression and how he finds the courage to discover the person he might become. With his signature humor, compassion, and charm, Backman reminds us that life is a gift, and what matters most is how we share that gift with those we love.… (meer)
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A short story that won't be for everyone. ( )
  CarolHicksCase | Mar 12, 2023 |
A man is in the hospital with cancer. He meets a 5-year-old who also has cancer. He notices an emissary of the Grim Reaper hanging around. He reflects on his past. He also confronts the emissary who denies she has come for him. He realizes who she is after and offers to take the child's place but the emissary is not there for a death for a death but rather a life for a life.

This is an odd book. It's short and a quick read but makes you question how far would you go for someone else? I like the explanation she gives about the difference between a death for a death and a life for a life. I think about this at odd times. How far would I go? ( )
  Sheila1957 | Dec 30, 2018 |
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From the New York Times bestselling author of A Man Called Ove and Beartown comes a collection of three deeply moving stories about facing life's greatest struggles. Beloved author Fredrik Backman is back with a mesmerizing array of stories about discovering and treasuring what is truly important in life. The Deal of a Lifetime is a profound and moving novella set on Christmas Eve. It tells the story of the intertwining destinies of a man who has built a global business empire but lost his family in the process and a courageous little girl fighting for her life, and it asks the question: if you had the chance to change your legacy, would you take it? In the touching novella And Every Morning the Way Home Gets Longer and Longer, an elderly man sits on a bench with his son and grandson, reminiscing and telling jokes. As he recalls his most precious memories and faces his regrets, the man discovers there is one last thing he must do: help his family learn to say goodbye without fear. Finally, "Sebastian and the Troll" is Fredrik Backman's newest work--an eloquent short story about a young boy struggling with depression and how he finds the courage to discover the person he might become. With his signature humor, compassion, and charm, Backman reminds us that life is a gift, and what matters most is how we share that gift with those we love.

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