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The Devil's Own (2019)

door K. A. Fox

Reeksen: Murphy's Law [Fox] (1)

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1341,565,672 (3.75)Geen
Delaney Murphy has always known she's the Devil's daughter. And although the title itself is a burden, she never expects to inherit all her father's infernal abilities. When her newfound magic begins to poison the people closest to her, Laney must make a choice. To protect the world from the worst she can do, she leaves everyone she loves behind and builds a new life for herself, alone, in a place where she can control the urge to give in to the magic living within her.But when she recognizes a familiar pattern in a string of murders, Laney leaves her peaceful, isolated life behind and goes on the hunt, unleashing a threat she never dreamed possible. Confronting this menacing specter could mean giving in to temptation and becoming the one thing she fears most. Will she use her magic to do the right thing, even if it means hurting the ones she loves?… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
** 2 3/4 stars **

When I started reading the book I thought to myself this is going to be a kickass book, with a badass heroine, and it was at first. I got the feeling that the author had her characters right on in the first three chapters, it was exciting and she brought the first few characters to life for me. I was really getting into it as if I was watching everything go down and then the story just got rushed as if the author were on a timeline to finish a test. I lost touch somewhere around the end of the fourth chapter. I wanted so bad to like this book. When I read the blurb I thought the book sounded really different, and it is. Every book, in my opinion, is a to each there own book. You either like it or you don't. We all have our own individual opinions. Was it really bad? No! Is it worth giving it a shot? Yes! Would I read it again? Um..knowing me yes I probably would.

I received an ARC from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. ( )
  JKJ94 | Jul 27, 2023 |
The Devil's Own by K.A. Fox is a terrific book about magic, demons, a gal that wants to help people, her father who loves her and happens to be a dead rock star and the devil, a stray dog that isn't a dog, and many other very interesting characters! I requested this awesome book from NetGalley and the review is voluntary. I love how the plot and characters come together! Secrets are revealed, the great unique characters and suspense, and interaction between characters... all kept me glued to the book. Can't wait for the next one! ( )
  MontzaleeW | May 13, 2019 |
I'm a little on the fence about this one. On one hand I liked it, but then again, it didn't blow me away.

I think THE DEVIL'S OWN started off strong, but didn't really keep me in the zone. The heroine starts off as a bad ass which was great, but we don't get a lot of badass moments for her to really shine through. The story had a really interesting premise, but it felt rushed to me. I would have liked a little more development of the story, world and characters.

THE DEVIL'S OWN was a bit on the short side, so I think I will give book two a chance to blow me away like book one didn't do.

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  STACYatUFI | Apr 25, 2019 |
Fast pacing, magic, a pinch of darkness and a heroine full of spunk make this a fun read.

Laney is the daughter of the devil, which sounds like a pretty ominous role to play, but she decided a while ago to stay on Earth and live as much of a normal, human life as possible. After all, her mother is human too. Thanks to a catastrophe in high school when her powers suddenly appeared, she's decided to live a pretty isolated life. That is, until she decides to stop a demon on a killing spree. That situation pans out pretty well, and she returns to her isolated life only to discover that it's not going to be that way anymore. Thanks to her dangerous escapade, her concerned father has appointed two unique bodyguards to stick to her like glue. That doesn't include the detective she accidentally created a bond with. Now, he won't leave her alone. Add that to a mysterious, approaching danger, and she's got her hands full.

This was simply a fun read. I enjoyed Laney quite a bit. She's not perfect, holds spunk close but wears her heart on her sleeve. She's at odds with her own identity, but this isn't one of her negative attributes. She makes mistakes, which are very fitting to the age group and her personality. It's just exciting to join her as her world turns more upside down than usual and root for her the entire way.

There are hints and pokes at romance, but this is a very slow burn. The concentration remains on Laney and the demons she's up against as well as her father-daughter relationship. It's a nice balance, which makes for an entertaining read with a dash of depth while keeping action at the highest priority. I can't wait to see how this end of things continues in the series.

The writing pulls along and keeps boredom away. There's enough character depth to keep things interesting without going too deep or emotional. Only the ending bothered me a bit as the big battle was a little anti-climatic and too tidy. But it wasn't enough to ruin my desire to read the next book in the series.

Fans of strong heroines, demons, magic, action and a tad bit of romance will like this one.

I received a complimentary copy and enjoyed the story very much. ( )
  tdrecker | Apr 24, 2019 |
Toon 4 van 4
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Delaney Murphy has always known she's the Devil's daughter. And although the title itself is a burden, she never expects to inherit all her father's infernal abilities. When her newfound magic begins to poison the people closest to her, Laney must make a choice. To protect the world from the worst she can do, she leaves everyone she loves behind and builds a new life for herself, alone, in a place where she can control the urge to give in to the magic living within her.But when she recognizes a familiar pattern in a string of murders, Laney leaves her peaceful, isolated life behind and goes on the hunt, unleashing a threat she never dreamed possible. Confronting this menacing specter could mean giving in to temptation and becoming the one thing she fears most. Will she use her magic to do the right thing, even if it means hurting the ones she loves?

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