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One of Two

door S. R. Cronin

Reeksen: 46. Ascending (6)

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215,380,446 (4.5)Geen
Join an extraordinary family on a heart-pounding adventure as they face mortal danger.Telepathy creates as many problems as it solves, as everyone in the secret organization x0 would admit. Those problems become much worse when budding psychic Lola discovers another group of telepaths associated with a powerful media empire. This group is willing to destroy anyone capable of challenging them. Soon, Lola's family and friends are in danger. Fortunately, they are gifted with astonishing abilities of their own. Yet, none of them know how to fight. It will take every power they posses, and the allegiance of a helpful warrior, to bring down the arrogant adepts who do the bidding of a man hell-bent on promoting destruction.Can the talented people Lola cares about learn to trust each other and work together in order to save the world?… (meer)
Onlangs toegevoegd dooralieceey, SherrieCronin

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A wonderful story about a realistic family with superhuman abilities. Very entertaining story with lots of fascinating and distinct characters. Would definitely recommend as a science fiction book. ( )
  alieceey | Aug 8, 2019 |
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Join an extraordinary family on a heart-pounding adventure as they face mortal danger.Telepathy creates as many problems as it solves, as everyone in the secret organization x0 would admit. Those problems become much worse when budding psychic Lola discovers another group of telepaths associated with a powerful media empire. This group is willing to destroy anyone capable of challenging them. Soon, Lola's family and friends are in danger. Fortunately, they are gifted with astonishing abilities of their own. Yet, none of them know how to fight. It will take every power they posses, and the allegiance of a helpful warrior, to bring down the arrogant adepts who do the bidding of a man hell-bent on promoting destruction.Can the talented people Lola cares about learn to trust each other and work together in order to save the world?

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Sherrie Cronin is een LibraryThing auteur: een auteur die zijn persoonlijke bibliotheek toont op LibraryThing.

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Gemiddelde: (4.5)
4 1
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