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Minecraft Volume 1 (Graphic Novel)

door Sfe R. Monster

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2453113,590 (3.83)Geen
When Tyler makes a big crosscountry move, his friends want to make his return to Minecraft epic, but as they gather supplies to build a beacon and summon a wither, their good luck takes a turn. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Graphic Novels is an imprint of Spotlight, a division of ABDO. Tyler and his friends, Evan, Candance, Tobi, and Grace, are forever linked in the world of Minecraft. In this series, the group goes on countless adventures, including going on the Ultimate Quest to face off against the ender dragon, and battling pirates and situations that mirror real life. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Graphic Novels is an imprint of Spotlight, a division of ABDO.… (meer)
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Toon 3 van 3
Recommended by two young library patrons - big fans of the series! I promised I would read the first one at least.

Tyler (Black, glasses) has just had to move cross-country with his family. After his first day at a new school, he just wants to hang out with his old friends - playing Minecraft. They're thrilled he's there, surprising him with a cake, and they continue their adventures and explorations. Grace and Candace found the final skull in the Nether, which means they can summon a Wither - but the Wither seems to take on a life of its own and come after them.

Probably SOME background knowledge of Minecraft is helpful, but what comes through most from this first short installment is the friendship between the players. ( )
  JennyArch | Nov 8, 2023 |
Representation: Black character

7/10, a nice adaptation from a game to a novel. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Nov 3, 2023 |
No rating because it wouldn't be fair. I wasn't very interested in their journey, and I thought Tyler was being a bit unreasonable (but thankfully not a brat). There are some fun cartoony moments, but I think if I had played Minecraft, I would have enjoyed this more.
  DestDest | Jun 26, 2019 |
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When Tyler makes a big crosscountry move, his friends want to make his return to Minecraft epic, but as they gather supplies to build a beacon and summon a wither, their good luck takes a turn. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Graphic Novels is an imprint of Spotlight, a division of ABDO. Tyler and his friends, Evan, Candance, Tobi, and Grace, are forever linked in the world of Minecraft. In this series, the group goes on countless adventures, including going on the Ultimate Quest to face off against the ender dragon, and battling pirates and situations that mirror real life. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Graphic Novels is an imprint of Spotlight, a division of ABDO.

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