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X Ways to Die (2019)

door Stefan Ahnhem

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Reeksen: Fabian Risk (5)

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595456,470 (3.84)1
A murderous game. The killer makes the rules. Death hangs on the roll of the dice. In murder investigations, it pays to keep things simple: motive, method, opportunity. But the case in front of Detective Fabian Risk is a nightmare. A killer who strikes out of nowhere. No apparent motive. No consistent method. Victims are tortured, strangled, burned, dismembered - each grisly killing carried out with savage precision, as if following the rules of a hellish game. Fear and chaos have spread through the seaside town of Helsingborg. While Fabian Risk hunts the killer, his life is falling apart: a son on the run from the law; a daughter gravely injured; a colleague with dark secrets of his own. But there's no turning back now. The game of death is on, and Fabian Risk must play to win.… (meer)
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This story was a shitshow; every single person is running their own investigation, and none of them can ever stop for 2 seconds and process what is going on around them. Therefore, the bad guys, MULTIPLE Serial Killers have carte blanche access to victims. I know most cops and detectives and security personnel always appear to be highly incompetent, but the Danes and Swedes must take the cake.

The Helsingborg investigation squad is the working definition of a clusterfuck: dysfunctional personal and professional lives, everyone pursuing their own agendas whereby fighting and solving crimes is somewhere at the bottom of their list of priorities... on the assumption that fighting and solving crimes even make the list. The bottom line is that it is a miracle Fabian Risk doesn't get a whole lot more people killed; a few dozen innocent dead, pshaw, come on Fabian, you can do better than that!!!

The bad guys have no fear of being caught. I mean, they don't even want to kill Fabian since he is no threat to them, and he is even more of an aid when all is said and done. In the event of an exceptionally unlikely string of supremely bad luck, and an improbably series of events that allows Risk to stumble and bumble his way to an apprehension and arrest, there is just the slimmest chance the criminals will pay. In the small, small improbable event that they do, we will call it a WIN (and the long and ugly trail of dead and dismembered bodies we'll conveniently ignore). Maybe the reason they cannot solve any of these crimes in Helsingborg is because they are too busy taking bets: will Risk solve the crime or be killed first, the latter being the heavy favorite.

I wasn't all that impressed with the motive. Sure, it was very unique and all of that, but the implausibility factor was off the charts. I guess half my problem is that I did not like a single character in the entire book. Are all Danes that downright loathsome, and no one there is the least bit likeable? Or is it that Stefan Ahnhem cannot create an even remotely likeable character? Whatever the factors are, it just made for a long slog.

Dunja Hougaard seems interesting, but she is a ghost in this novel. ( )
  Picathartes | Jul 14, 2023 |
Nachdem ich am Ende von „Der Würfelmörder“ etwas unzufrieden war, da ich mit so vielen offenen Fragen zurückgelassen wurde, ist die Sache mit diesem Band nun rund geworden. Man sollte als die beiden Bände nacheinander lesen.
Die Mordserie in Helsingborg geht weiter und weiterhin würfelt der Mörder, um Opfer, Tatort und Waffe zu ermitteln. Dadurch, dass die Methoden wechseln und es kein Motiv gibt, tappte die Polizei im Dunkeln. Doch Kommissar Fabian Risk erkennt als Erster, wie die Morde zusammenhängen. Als er an einem Tatort einen Würfel findet, begreift er, dass der Mörder ein perfides Spiel spielt und er die Regeln bestimmt. Nun gerät Risk selbst auch in Gefahr.
Das Buch lässt sich gut und flüssig lesen. Kurze Kapitel, verschiedene Handlungsstränge und Handlungsorte sorgen dafür, dass das Tempo sehr hoch ist. Man muss schon aufpassen, um den Überblick nicht zu verlieren, vor allem, weil es noch einen mörderischen Nebenstrang gibt. Es geht erschreckend und brutal zu, also nicht unbedingt etwas für Zartbesaitete.
Risk ist ein Mensch, der für seinen Beruf lebt und dabei oft das Private zu wenig beachtet.
In diesem Thriller gibt es immer wieder Wendungen, die dafür sorgen, dass man sich nie sicher sein kann, auf der richtigen Fährte zu sein. Nichts ist so, wie es scheint. Die unterschiedlichen Themen, die aufgegriffen werden, machen die Geschichte interessant und komplex.
Wer temporeiche Thriller liebt und sich nicht an drastischen Beschreibungen stört, dem wird dieses Buch gefallen. ( )
1 stem buecherwurm1310 | Jun 28, 2020 |
Serien om Fabian Risk och hans kollegor har varit en av de bättre deckarserierna med mycket spänning, högt tempo och ett bra driv. De sjuka karaktärerna har också varit en fröjd att läsa om men i den här boken blir det lite för mycket av allt. Tidigare har böckerna varit fulla av överraskningar men i den här tycker jag att jag känner igen för mycket. Känns som om Ahnhem har slut på idéer och som han själv skrev är det nog bra med ett uppehåll. Det känns iaf bra att vissa av trådarna äntligen fått ett slut. ( )
  Mats_Sigfridsson | May 15, 2020 |
Detective Fabian Risk actually could do with some free time to get his family together after the awful events that nearly killed his wife and daughter. Yet, he and his colleagues still have a serial killer on the loose and the killing of people does not stop. Even though the cases could hardly be more different, he senses that there must be some connection. They are finally getting closer to him, but while the Swedish seaside town of Helsingborg is gripped in fear, Fabian also has to complete his very own mission: His former colleague Elvin did not die from suicide, it was forensic scientist Ingvar Molander and obviously, Elvin had put the clues together correctly. Yet, there are still some missing pieces that Fabian needs to uncover before he can finally arrest him, knowing that he has not only a very clever nemesis who knows the rules of the game, but also one who is totally reckless and ready to do everything to get away with much more than one murder.

Stefan Ahnhem continues the story exactly where it ended in “Motive X” and does not waste any time but plunges directly into the plot. Just as in the novel before, “X Ways to Dies” moves at an extremely high pace and cleverly combines the different plot lines that finally tie the knot together. For me, Ahnhem is a worthy successor and heir of Stieg Larsson who set new milestones with his Millennium series; Ahnhem follows his footsteps in many respects by delivering a demanding plot full of suspense.

The latest instalment answers many questions which remained open in the one before thus completing the story and bringing it to a convincing end. What I totally adored was the fight between Risk and Molander, both very clever and certainly belonging to the best in their jobs thus fighting at eye level and giving a lot of insight into police work. Several setbacks make Risk an authentic and credible protagonist who also shows his weak and vulnerable sides.

The only question left to be answered: does and if so how can the story go on? ( )
  miss.mesmerized | May 5, 2020 |
X sätt att dö är den efterlängtade femte boken i serien om Fabian Risk, som tar vid direkt där Motiv X slutade. Fabian håller på med en riksfylld privat utredning runt sin kollega samtidigt som jakten på en manisk tärningsmördare går het. Vid det här laget är läsaren knappast överraskad av Ahnhems närmast filmatiska spänning och fart, den väloljade humorn och den starka dramatiken. Allting fungerar precis lika bra här som i de tidigare böckerna.

Början av boken känns mera som en typisk nordisk deckare - det tar en god stund för handlingen att komma igång efter att den stampat på ett och samma ställe från upptakten i förra boken en tid. När intrigen väl kommer igång belönas läsaren med ett rasande tempo och flera spännande situationer. Den utdragna finalen på Tivoli i Köpenhamn är en av de mest intensiva ögonblicken jag någonsin varit med om i en bok.

Den något ojämna fördelningen av intriger är bokens största, och enda märkbara, brist. Ahnhem har flera pågående intriger att avsluta, och gör det mer bravur, samtidigt som han inleder nya och håller i andra för framtida böcker. Det betyder att berättelsen känns fullspäckad och det finns inte riktigt tid att på ett tillfredsställande vis involvera alla centrala karaktärer. Fabians familj blir exempelvis lidande, i synnerhet Matilda, och Theodors situation tar knappt några steg framåt. Sleizner får en mera framträdande roll här medan Dunja knappt förekommer överhuvudtaget - här finns ock hopp om en förändring i följande bok. Huvudfokus ligger på tärningsmördaren och därför känns Molanderutredningen något antiklimaktisk då vi når avslutet på den.

En mycket välskriven, spännande och framför allt filmatisk thriller, som inte helt når seriens högsta höjder! ( )
  MrScallops | Feb 21, 2020 |
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» Andere auteurs toevoegen

AuteursnaamRolType auteurWerk?Status
Stefan Ahnhemprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Beck, LauraVertalerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd

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A murderous game. The killer makes the rules. Death hangs on the roll of the dice. In murder investigations, it pays to keep things simple: motive, method, opportunity. But the case in front of Detective Fabian Risk is a nightmare. A killer who strikes out of nowhere. No apparent motive. No consistent method. Victims are tortured, strangled, burned, dismembered - each grisly killing carried out with savage precision, as if following the rules of a hellish game. Fear and chaos have spread through the seaside town of Helsingborg. While Fabian Risk hunts the killer, his life is falling apart: a son on the run from the law; a daughter gravely injured; a colleague with dark secrets of his own. But there's no turning back now. The game of death is on, and Fabian Risk must play to win.

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