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The Twin

door Natasha Preston

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5541045,210 (3.32)Geen
Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:The instant New York Times bestseller!
In this twisty psychological thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of THE CELLAR, Ivy wants to share everything with her twin sister . . . until her twin starts to push her out of her own life.

Ivy and Iris havent lived together for yearswhen their mother and father divorced, each parent got custody of one twin. But after a tragic accident takes their moms life, the devastated sisters are reunited, and Iris moves in with Ivy and their dad. Iris takes their moms death especially hard. She barely talks, spending hours alone in her room. Ivy cant stand to see Iris so sad. She promised Iris that she can share her life now. After all, theyre sisters. Twins.
Its a promise that Iris takes seriously. And before long, Ivys friends, her teachers, and even her boyfriend fall under Iriss spell. Soon Ivy begins to think theres something wrong with her twin. Its almost like Iris is out to get her. Ivy tells herself shes being paranoid. Its not like shes in any danger from her twin. . . .
The Twin is an unputdownable read that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
… (meer)
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Brutal, pero odio el final. ( )
  Judiit | Sep 19, 2023 |
I did not realize this was Young Adult when I picked it up, but it does read YA and follows twin sisters in high school. However; I was really pulled into the audiobook on this one. It was pretty easy to figure out what was going to happen in the end and I did not really see that as a "plot twist". I was hoping for some really big plot twist that came out of nowhere, but it was very lack luster. I was not a fan of the ending as it just ended. I literally was in bed and said out loud, "this is how it ends."

However; the story kept my interest and I enjoyed it up until the closing pages. ( )
  SimplyKelina | Jul 20, 2023 |
2.5 Stars

The next paragraph is a spoiler but not really. I’ll hide it just in case but I recommend not reading the blurb if you like a bit of mystery in your books because it is essentially a novel summary including the ‘dot dot dot’ at the end.

I’ve got to say I’m pretty lucky I listened to this as an audiobook because there was a lot of rage at the end. Being on my phone meant that there was zero chance I would throw it out the window in annoyance. I can’t promise this wouldn’t have happened with a paperback. FYI, I’m not in the habit of throwing my toys out of the cot, it's just that the ending was the worst. The. Worst.

I went into this book with very low expectations and during the first third it lived down to those expectations beautifully. Nothing was special about it. Unoriginal characters and average writing. I can’t pinpoint exactly when it changed for me but I was sitting in the kitchen plunging my coffee and I felt anxious (when will the cafes be open again? seriously, I’m over it!). I said to myself, “Self, why are you feeling anxious about coffee?”. Then I realised it was during quite a suspenseful scene in the book. I have read a lot of supposed YA thrillers but very few of these elevated the heart rate of this seasoned Reader. Don’t get me wrong people, this isn’t an amazing book but Ms Preston certainly managed to build tension during some of the scenes. I enjoyed that aspect of it, hence the 2. 5 stars (down graded from 3 because I still can't get past the ending).

My biggest issues are that not one of the people in Ivy’s life believed her! Imagine all your close friends right now. Are you picturing them? Say a random person they have never met comes in and talks smack about you what would they do? There’d be a verbal beat down of this interloper right? Not according to our author. Instead your nearest and dearest would turn on you in a flash. Completely and annoyingly UNREALISTIC. Yes there may have been a person or two with an axe to grind but come on people, everyone? Nope.

My next issue and perhaps it was done intentionally to explain the above issue is that Ivy is a total muppet. I have never seen a more ‘passive helpless victim’ mentality in a book. Fight back damnit! FIGHT. Rage against the dying of the light and all that good stuff. By the time she had realised what was happening (an embarrassingly long time) it was all over, red rover.

My last main issue was the ending. Ending a book like that is not clever. It is not mind-fudgey. It is not suspenseful.

It is unfinished.

And so is this review.

*whispers* or is it…? ( )
  Mrs_Tapsell_Bookzone | Feb 14, 2023 |
Lo devoré en un par de días, me enganchó desde el principio. Es más un thriller psicológico que novela juvenil, aunque, es verdad, que la forma de escribir de la autora es más coloquial de lo habitual, pero no genera rechazo. Lo que me dejó un poco fuera de juego y que, de primeras, no me gustó fue el final. Pero hay que reconocer que la historia está genial.
Tal cuál lo terminé me compré uno de su bilogía :)
  Tatilake | Aug 10, 2021 |
Teen novel about twins who have lived apart due to their parents’ divorce. Now that their mother has died, Iris moves in with Ivy and their father. Iris proceeds to infiltrate herself into Ivy’s life, taking over Ivy’s friends and her life.
No one believes Ivy that Iris is manipulating them. It all builds to an explosive ending-one of obsession - and it is sad what one can do to take over another’s life.
#TheTwin #NatashaPreston ( )
  rmarcin | Jul 31, 2020 |
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Suspense. Thriller. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. HTML:The instant New York Times bestseller!
In this twisty psychological thriller from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of THE CELLAR, Ivy wants to share everything with her twin sister . . . until her twin starts to push her out of her own life.

Ivy and Iris havent lived together for yearswhen their mother and father divorced, each parent got custody of one twin. But after a tragic accident takes their moms life, the devastated sisters are reunited, and Iris moves in with Ivy and their dad. Iris takes their moms death especially hard. She barely talks, spending hours alone in her room. Ivy cant stand to see Iris so sad. She promised Iris that she can share her life now. After all, theyre sisters. Twins.
Its a promise that Iris takes seriously. And before long, Ivys friends, her teachers, and even her boyfriend fall under Iriss spell. Soon Ivy begins to think theres something wrong with her twin. Its almost like Iris is out to get her. Ivy tells herself shes being paranoid. Its not like shes in any danger from her twin. . . .
The Twin is an unputdownable read that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.

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