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The Overlord Protocol

door Mark Walden

Reeksen: H.I.V.E. (2)

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491751,970 (4.21)1
Still trapped at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education, or H.I.V.E., evil-genius-in-training Otto Malpense is nearly assassinated and must now not only try to escape, but also find out who murdered his best friend--and save himself.
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1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
Action and adventure. excellent. ( )
  bookwoman137 | Apr 15, 2012 |
Book 2 of the HIVE series sees Otto and Wing leaving the school under the close supervision of Raven. The plot is full of adventure with plenty of twists and turns for those who crave action and excitement. This book pits supposed villains against villains, and one is left with the distinct impression of the "good" villains and the "evil" villains. In some ways the original premise of the school as a school for "villains" is lost here, as most of the main characters fail to live up to their villainous reputations. The series is somewhat in the vein of Artemis Fowl, and will appeal to readers of that series, but one begins to develop the sneaking suspicion that the author has forgotten the original premise. Like the school in "Evil Genius" this is supposed to be a school for villains to train future villains, but one never really gets the sense of evil that comes through so strongly in the school of "Evil Genius." The book will keep readers entertained if they are willing to forget the original premise. ( )
  Marared9 | Feb 18, 2012 |
It looks so great! Read the first book, it is AMAZINGLY COOL!!!!!
  whopper12413 | Jul 19, 2010 |
Reviewed by Jennifer Rummel for

After an unsuccessful escape plan, Otto and Wing acknowledge H.I.V.E. as their residence for now.

Unfortunately, Dr. Nero will have a difficult time explaining the circumstances of the attempted escape to the G.L.O.V.E. and Number One. Clearly, Number One is unhappy that the event took place, and Cypher believes that now is the perfect time to openly challenge the need for the school.

When someone attacks Dr. Nero, he knows that he must be very cautious, but when Wing's father dies, he must send him to the funeral. School policy dictates that in such an unfortunate situation, another student may accompany said student in distress. Otto and Wing travel to the funeral without knowing that they will walk right into a trap.

When Otto witnesses Wing's death he vows to take revenge on Cypher, thus creating an alliance with his old enemy, Dr. Nero. Together, can they stop Cypher's plan of world domination?

Mark Walden picks up the story shortly after the conclusion of the first book with a fresh batch of problems, along with intense situations and fast-paced action that will leave readers' hearts pumping with adrenaline. ( )
  GeniusJen | Oct 12, 2009 |
I predict that readers who love the Artemis Fowl series by Colfer, will also love the HIVE series. This is book two, and for those who don't know, HIVE stands for the Higher Institute of Villainous Education. The main character, Otto, was kidnapped and is being forced to attend HIVE. Although his primary goal is to escape the institution, he has made several friends in the meantime; Wing, Laura, and Shelby. Book two begins with the unexpected death of Wing's father. Wing is allowed off campus to attend the funeral, and choose Otto as the friend he would like to take along. Raven, the superhuman stealthy warrior woman is sent as their chaperone,as well as Agent One and Agent Two. There is an attack on the safe house where the boys are staying, and things really heat up after that. I can't say much more without spoiling several surprises. I can tell you that you do need to read book one before this one to fully appreciate the story. Well written, gripping, and sure to be enjoyed by many, many readers, I recommend it to decent readers who love adventures. ( )
  JRlibrary | Aug 30, 2009 |
1-5 van 7 worden getoond (volgende | toon alle)
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Still trapped at the Higher Institute of Villainous Education, or H.I.V.E., evil-genius-in-training Otto Malpense is nearly assassinated and must now not only try to escape, but also find out who murdered his best friend--and save himself.

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Gemiddelde: (4.21)
2 1
2.5 1
3 17
3.5 7
4 29
4.5 5
5 43

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