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A Whisper of Sorrows

door JD Kirk

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Reeksen: DCI Logan (book 6)

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474557,930 (4.23)6
While searching for a missing hill walker, Glencoe Mountain Rescue Team uncovers a body, just not the one they were looking for. Still dealing with the fallout from their last case, DCI Jack Logan and his team venture south from Inverness to investigate a brutal, gangland-style execution in the wilds of the Highland countryside. As the victim's dark secrets are gradually revealed, Jack uncovers the rot lurking beneath the stunning scenery, making himself the target of a criminal more dangerous than any he has faced before.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
I have never experienced an epilogue that had such a negative impact on a book; I am not even sure I thought it was possible. It is like he wrapped it all up then panicked and thought I need to keep this cash cow going.
The book itself is a huge let down after the previous book and the plot is beyond silly. ( )
  pigeonjim | Jul 26, 2023 |
Wow! This book is a wide ride! In my opinion, the best book in the series so far. It was nonstop action and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time.

This is not an easy book to read because it is full of triggers. However, it was superbly written and the author really understands how to keep the reader engaged. It will be hard to top this one. ( )
  purpledog | Feb 21, 2022 |
This is the sixth book in the Scottish crime series featuring Detective Chief Inspector Jack Logan.

Logan, in his mid-forties, transferred from Glasgow to Inverness in the previous year. He works with a team he has grown to know and like: Detective Inspector Ben Forde, Detective Constable Hamza Khaled, Detective Constable Tyler Neish, and local Police Constable Sinead Bell. In the previous book, the team lost a colleague, and they are still tormented by it, especially Logan who, as the head of the team, feels not only responsible for the death, but for exacting revenge for it.

Logan, as we are learning, is tough, determined, profane, and curmudgeonly, but like a father figure to his team - protective and supportive even as he makes sure he says positive things only begrudgingly.

The fifth book ended with a cliffhanger: Jack’s boss, DS Bob Hoon, broke the news that Jack’s nemesis, the serial killer Owen Petrie, known as Mister Whisper, had escaped from Carstairs State Hospital. Jack knew Petrie would be coming from him, and indeed, the trail of bodies Petrie starts to leave all point to Jack in some way.

What is most shocking to the team is that Petrie has had plenty of help, not only in escaping Carstairs but in cutting a swathe of dead bodies through the Inverness area.

The team suffers more tragic losses and Jack doesn’t think he can deal with the guilt, even if he manages to survive.

Evaluation: As with the previous books in the series, there are plenty of scary moments, twists, and tension at times so high you need to put the book down! This series is addictive for those who appreciate thrillers. ( )
  nbmars | Jun 18, 2021 |
Loved the latest book in the series, A Whisper of Sorrows. They just keep getting better and better. ( )
  MaureenJ | Dec 23, 2020 |
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JD Kirkprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
King, AngusVertellerSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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While searching for a missing hill walker, Glencoe Mountain Rescue Team uncovers a body, just not the one they were looking for. Still dealing with the fallout from their last case, DCI Jack Logan and his team venture south from Inverness to investigate a brutal, gangland-style execution in the wilds of the Highland countryside. As the victim's dark secrets are gradually revealed, Jack uncovers the rot lurking beneath the stunning scenery, making himself the target of a criminal more dangerous than any he has faced before.

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Gemiddelde: (4.23)
2 1
3.5 1
4 5
4.5 1
5 5

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