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Finding Joy: A Gay Romance

door Adriana Herrera

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Fiction. Romance. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) As his twenty-sixth birthday approaches, Desta Joy Walker finds himself in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the one place he's been actively avoiding most of his life. For Desta, the East African capital encompasses some of the happiest and saddest parts of his life-his first home and the place where his father died. When an unavoidable work obligation lands him there for twelve weeks, he may finally have a chance for the closure he so desperately needs. What Desta never expected was to catch a glimpse of his future as he reconnects with the beautiful country and his family's past. Elias Fikru has never met an opportunity he hasn't seized. Except, of course, for the life-changing one he's stubbornly ignored for the past nine months. He'd be a fool not to accept the chance to pursue his doctoral studies in the US, but saying yes means leaving his homeland, and Elias isn't ready to make that commitment. Meeting Desta, the Dominican-American emergency relief worker with the easy smile and sad eyes, makes Elias want things he's never envisioned for himself. Rediscovering his country through Desta's eyes emboldens Elias to reach for a future where he can be open about every part of himself. But when something threatens the future that's within their grasp, Elias and Desta must put it all on the line for love.… (meer)
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Toon 4 van 4
Almost all my reading is via audiobook and very occasionally I find it limiting.

The setting for this novel, in Ethiopia, drew me in even more than I expected. I wanted to remember the name of the coffee and how it was made, the 9 spices ingredient that is part of Ethiopian cooking, and many similar things, but without seeing the words I couldn't catch them let alone retain them. They are lost.

The story is your basic romance but elevated by Elias, a captivating character, an Ethiopian psychologist and driver, working for aid for five years. He in turn is captivated by Desta - "Joy" - the English translation of the first-person narrator. Who was young - just finished college? and too immature for the avalanche that was this attraction to the sophisticated mature Elias. American Desta is a brat, as he knows, but he could not throw it off ... until Elias made it happen.

Desta said his bratty behaviour was caused by his insecurity, but that didn't seem plausible given that he was an emotionally intelligent man, an experienced aid worker, and an out and at ease gay man, someone familiar with Ethiopian ways - his father was Ethiopian and did the same work.

He went into the relationship with Elias, with his eyes open ... then ran scared. It's a plotline that comes up from time to time, when protagonists who seem to be all in, do a 180 degree and run. It's crazy. Here, Desta makes excuses that relationship would be wrong for Elias, in the midst of all his other stresses. From the first sign of this, Elias was clear that he was the one to make those choices.

Ahhhh, I hope this is the way we operate with each other one day, that we don't hide behind hypocritical self-sacrifice or a cowardly noble gesture (if that's not an oxymoron) that Desta reverts to in the heat of his fears.

Adrianna Herrera writes beautifully, but Braeden Sinclair's sexy quiet voice is audiobook heaven. I can't believe there is only one book in my libraries narrated by him, and only two on Audible.

The Tantor Media blurb has this to say: "Braeden Sinclair is a professional actor and writer based in Southern California. With a voice that has been described as "liquid sex," he has a passion for storytelling and capturing the imagination. He also enjoys hiking, swimming, and jazz music." ( )
  Okies | Jan 10, 2024 |
-blushes- ( )
  personalbookreviews | Sep 19, 2023 |
Finding Joy by Adriana Herrera
Diverse M-M romance. N/A.
Desta Joy Walker travels to Ethiopia as an emergency relief worker. He meets and works with Elias, who immediately recognizes that Desta means Joy and the two become friends and then lovers as they appreciate the country and also realize the danger as their love is still forbidden.

Drama, family allegiance, and work issues make this romance and these two men an engaging read. The love interest was quick with high heat and the best part of the relationship to me was that they talked to each other openly. They still had their own issues to overcome but a little melodrama makes the ending that much better. ( )
  Madison_Fairbanks | Sep 5, 2022 |
Still needs some editing... missing words or words in the wrong order. ( )
  Bookbee1 | Sep 22, 2021 |
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Adriana Herreraprimaire auteuralle editiesberekend
Kauffman, LeniArtiest omslagafbeeldingSecundaire auteursommige editiesbevestigd
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To Addis Ababa, the New Flower, and Abyssinia -- the homeland of my heart. Betam amaseganallo.
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Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

As soon as I stepped out of the airport, I felt it.
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Fiction. Romance. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) As his twenty-sixth birthday approaches, Desta Joy Walker finds himself in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the one place he's been actively avoiding most of his life. For Desta, the East African capital encompasses some of the happiest and saddest parts of his life-his first home and the place where his father died. When an unavoidable work obligation lands him there for twelve weeks, he may finally have a chance for the closure he so desperately needs. What Desta never expected was to catch a glimpse of his future as he reconnects with the beautiful country and his family's past. Elias Fikru has never met an opportunity he hasn't seized. Except, of course, for the life-changing one he's stubbornly ignored for the past nine months. He'd be a fool not to accept the chance to pursue his doctoral studies in the US, but saying yes means leaving his homeland, and Elias isn't ready to make that commitment. Meeting Desta, the Dominican-American emergency relief worker with the easy smile and sad eyes, makes Elias want things he's never envisioned for himself. Rediscovering his country through Desta's eyes emboldens Elias to reach for a future where he can be open about every part of himself. But when something threatens the future that's within their grasp, Elias and Desta must put it all on the line for love.

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