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City of Spells (Into the Crooked Place, 2)

door Alexandra Christo

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861323,539 (3.33)Geen
As the Kingpin's dark magic spreads and his army conquers Creije, four unlikely friends have to decide just how far they will go--and how much they are willing to sacrifice--to win.
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After the loss of Wesley and the horrifying reveal that Zekia is helping the Kingpin of her own free will, Tavia, Saxony, and Karam flee to Saxony's home to rebuild their rebellion. Meanwhile, trapped in the Kingpin's darkness, Wesley must fight against the deadly magic that invades his mind and find a way back to his friends before it's too late.

As the Kingpin's dark magic spreads and his army conquers Creije, these four unlikely friends have to decide just how far they’ll go―and how much they are willing to sacrifice―to win.

This was a wonderful book! Alexandera Christo has delivered a stunning magical world full of rich detail, action, betrayal and friendship! The book is written from many POV but I felt like it just added to the adventure! The relationship with each character and also seeing them grow as individuals was a delight! The twists and turns and shocking events are enough to keep anyone on the edge of their seat. Especially with Wesley, talk about a GASP moment! Absolutely didn't see that coming! It was sad to know that this will be the end of these wonderful characters! Happy reading everyone! ( )
  jacashjoh | Jun 26, 2022 |
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As the Kingpin's dark magic spreads and his army conquers Creije, four unlikely friends have to decide just how far they will go--and how much they are willing to sacrifice--to win.

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