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Her Big City Neighbor

door Jackie Lau

Reeksen: Cider Bar Sisters (1)

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581463,399 (3.73)3
When small-town engineer Amy Sharpe inherits a house in Toronto, she decides it's the perfect opportunity to start over and go back to school. Away from the family that takes her for granted, away from the ex who expected so much and gave little in return. The new Amy enjoys wandering around the city and frequenting bubble tea shops, German beer halls, dim sum restaurants, and coffee bars serving Japanese pastries. She has a roommate with the same name as her favorite fictional character, and a group of friends who meet at a cider bar every couple of weeks. The new Amy is also in lust with her brooding, tattooed next-door neighbor, Victor Choi, who is far from friendly but looks really hot cutting the grass without a shirt. Too bad the grass doesn't grow faster. As she starts telling him about her daily adventures-and as a little kissing in the garden becomes a regular activity-Amy begins to feel more than lust. But she fears she's falling into her old patterns in relationships and refuses to let herself be underappreciated again. Is Victor really more than a hot fling? And what's he hiding behind that grumpy exterior?… (meer)
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I received an ARC of this book to read through a review crew. All opinions are my own. Her Big City Neighbor is the first book in Jackie Lau’s delightful new series Cider Bar Series. As a polka dot, ladybug, unicorn mug loving person who was born in Sudbury and who has a large number of family members who are engineers from Queens University, I felt a bit seen while reading this book. Amy Sharpe has inherited a house in downtown Toronto from her great-aunt, and this inheritance has allowed her to figure out what she wants from her life and escape from the demands of family in her small northern Ontario hometown that were beginning to make her feel smothered. To cope with the immense grief he felt after his brother died, Victor Choi has edited his life to things he can control. Victor goes to work, comes home, occasionally meets an old friend for a drink and talks to his family on the phone. So when the bubbly woman next door attempts to be friendly, his walls go up, but as time passes, things about her that he found annoying no longer do, and when they begin a friendship, and that friendship becomes something more, it terrifies him.
I enjoyed reading this book very much and recommend it not only for the story but for the food. I can’t wait for my next trip to Toronto to try out some of the wonderful food mentioned in the book. Low Angst, Medium Steam. Publishing Date: September 8, 2020. #HerBigCityNeighbour #JackieLau #CanadianRomance #bookstagram #bookstagramer #ContemporaryRomance #IndieBooks ( )
  nmgski | Aug 31, 2020 |
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When small-town engineer Amy Sharpe inherits a house in Toronto, she decides it's the perfect opportunity to start over and go back to school. Away from the family that takes her for granted, away from the ex who expected so much and gave little in return. The new Amy enjoys wandering around the city and frequenting bubble tea shops, German beer halls, dim sum restaurants, and coffee bars serving Japanese pastries. She has a roommate with the same name as her favorite fictional character, and a group of friends who meet at a cider bar every couple of weeks. The new Amy is also in lust with her brooding, tattooed next-door neighbor, Victor Choi, who is far from friendly but looks really hot cutting the grass without a shirt. Too bad the grass doesn't grow faster. As she starts telling him about her daily adventures-and as a little kissing in the garden becomes a regular activity-Amy begins to feel more than lust. But she fears she's falling into her old patterns in relationships and refuses to let herself be underappreciated again. Is Victor really more than a hot fling? And what's he hiding behind that grumpy exterior?

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Gemiddelde: (3.73)
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3.5 2
4 5
5 1

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